- Online Application
- Application Fee of $50
- Goals Statement (upload with the application)
- Resume (upload with the application)
- Writing Sample (scholarly paper or previous research paper from undergraduate studies)
- Two Letters of Recommendation (identify your recommenders on the application; two recent letters of recommendation are required by persons who can evaluate academic promise)
- Official Transcript(s): minimum 2.5 undergraduate GPA required for admission
- submit official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended either electronically to [email protected] or by mailing directly to Georgia State University | Office of Graduate Admissions | P.O. Box 4018 Atlanta, GA 30302

What does it cost?
Check out our cost calculator or visit student financial services for information on estimated costs.
How long will it take?
- A minimum of 36 semester hours is required to receive your degree
- 4 semesters or 1.5 years
Where will I take classes?
Atlanta Campus, Online (some courses)
Application Deadlines View Admissions Requirements
Fall: March 1
Spring: October 15
Summer: Does Not Admit
Social Foundations of Education, M.S.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 404-413-8030
Social Foundations of Education is an interdisciplinary master’s program that examines the historical and contemporary factors that shape educational inequity and injustice in our society. Course topics engage students in discourse about the influence race, class, disability and gender have on education and school systems.
Students are prepared to:
- Develop critical perspectives on education, inside and outside school.
- Evaluate the complex interrelationships among school, society, education and culture.
- Incorporate a number of disciplines, including history, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, political science and cultural studies.
- M.S. students in Social Foundations work closely with their advisors to craft a program of study that is individualized according to student interests. Customizing student coursework allows students to take courses in the university’s other colleges and schools (for example, Arts and Sciences, Public Policy, Public Health and so on).
Some of the courses are online
Program of Study
Program Degree Requirements
Master of Science in Social Foundations of Education
A. Professional Studies (15)
Social Foundations (select one 3 credit course from the following three):
____EPSF 7100 Critical Pedagogy (3 cr.)
____EPSF 7110 Multicultural Education (3 cr.)
____EPSF 7120 Social and Cultural Foundations in Education (3 cr.)
Educational Research (select one 3 credit course from the following three):
____EPRS 7900 Methods of Research in Education (3 cr.)
____EPRS 7910 Action Research (3 cr.)
____EPRS 7920 Classroom Testing, Grading, and Assessment (3 cr.)
Psychological foundations (select one 3 credit course from the following two):
____EPY 7080 The Psychology of Learning and Learners (3 cr.)
____EPY 7090 The Psychology of Learning and Learners: The Young Child (3 cr.)
For students completing a master’s thesis a minimum of 6 credit hours are required. These hours are usually taken over two semesters (3 cr. + 3 cr.). You will need permission from your thesis chair to register for this course.
____EPS 7990 Master’s Thesis
For students completing a master’s project a minimum of 6 credit hours are required (3 cr. for the masters project and one additional 3 cr. course with the EPSF prefix.)
____EPS 7991 Master’s Project (3 cr.) and
____Select one additional course with the EPSF prefix (3 cr.)
B. Major Five courses (15 cr.) required. Selected from the following list.
Majors may represent the disciplines of history, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, and political science and the interdisciplinary field of cultural studies. Courses in other program areas in the Department of Educational Policy Studies or in the college or university may also be appropriate to include as part of the major with approval from the students’ Master’s Thesis or Master’s Project advisory committee.
Select five 3 credit courses (15 credit minimum) from the following list:
• EPSF 7100 Critical Pedagogy (3 cr.)
• EPSF 7110 Multicultural Education (3 cr.)
• EPSF 7120 Social and Cultural Foundations of Education (3 cr.)
• EPSF 7450 Curriculum Foundations for the Educational Leader (3 cr.)
• EPSF 8010 Cultural Studies in Education: Film (3 cr.)
• EPSF 8040 Cultural Studies in Education: Gender (3 cr.)
• EPSF 8260 Sociology of Inner-City Children (3 cr.)
• EPSF 8270 Philosophy of Education (3 cr.)
• EPSF 8280 Anthropology of Education (3 cr.)
• EPSF 8310 Sociology of Education (3 cr.)
• EPSF 8320 Politics and Policy in Education (3 cr.)
• EPSF 8330 Globalization and Education Policy (3 cr.)
• EPSF 8340 History of American Education (3 cr.)
• EPSF 8350 Comparative Educational Systems (3 cr.)
• EPSF 8440 Foundations of Curriculum Development (3 cr.)
C. Electives (6 credits ) The elective requirement is fulfilled by taking a minimum of 6 semester hours chosen from graduate courses in other program areas, departments, and/or colleges in the university. The preference is that students take courses related to their research for their Master’s thesis or project.
Program total: minimum of 36 semester hours
For complete degree requirements, visit the catalog.
Funding Your Graduate Education
Cost of attendance and funding opportunities are integral to your decision to attend graduate school. Georgia State University is proud to offer a variety of funding opportunities, from assistantships to fellowships.
Awards and Assistantships
Various awards, assistantships and fellowships are available to new and current graduate students. We encourage you to contact your department, college, school or institute of interest to get more information about the assistantships and fellowships that they offer their students.
The Scholarship Resource Center offers guidance and support to students seeking financial assistance through scholarship opportunities, including this scholarship library.
The Office of Graduate Programs’ Fellowship Advisor works with students interested in applying for nationally prestigious and competitive fellowships. Cost Calculator
Our calculator can help you get an idea of the costs associated with attending the university.
Social Foundations Program Expectations
The faculty of the Social Foundations master’s program expects that graduating students will:
1. possess a foundation of broad general education based in the major academic disciplines of Social Foundations,
2. understand, respect, and value the multicultural backgrounds and diverse educational needs of students in our schools,
3. understand and apply research to problems effecting educational institutions,
4. identify and evaluate critical educational policy issues,
5. possess the knowledge and skills to assess professional literature, academic studies, and reports and provide a reasonable summary understanding of the findings and likely policy implications,
6. possess basic methodology skills necessary to carry out a successful master’s thesis,
7. use technology to access resources, communicate and collaborate with colleagues, and present information in scholarly situations,
8. demonstrate in writing and oral presentation an ability to interpret, question, reflect upon, and engage with the underlying issues within contemporary educational theory and practice,
9. question the implicit norms assumptions of contemporary schooling.
Ideal Candidate
- Bachelor’s degree from accredited college or university
- Strong background in a social science or liberal arts discipline
- Interest in advancing critical educational polices skills from a social foundations perspective
- Can attend evening classes (fall and spring) and day/evening classes (summer) as a full-time or part-time student
Advisory Committee
- A committee of three faculty members guides each student’s study for the M.S. degree.
- One member of the Social Foundations faculty should be selected as the chair of the committee.
- Students and the chair select two other members for the committee, at least one of who must be a member of the Social Foundations faculty.
- Responsible for planning the program of study and for directing master’s thesis research or master’s projects.
Student Resources
Employers of Alumni
- Atlanta Public Schools
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Georgia Legal Services
- Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
- Fulton County School District
- Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
- University of Georgia
Career Pathways
- Academic researcher
- College/university administrative director
- Nonprofit director
- Program evaluator
- Research methodologist
Program Coordinator
Qiana Lachaud
[email protected]
Educational Policy Studies
[email protected]
Mailing Address & Office Location
Educational Policy Studies
College of Education & Human Development
Suite 450
30 Pryor St. SW
Atlanta, GA 30303
The information shared provides an overview of Georgia State’s offerings. For details on admissions requirements, tuition, courses and more, refer to the university catalogs.