About this Certificate
The Literacy Coach Certificate is also referred to as the Partners in Comprehensive Literacy (PCL) program. The Partners in Comprehensive Literacy (PCL) is a research-based companion program to the Comprehensive Intervention Model (CIM). PCL is a systemic school improvement model based on the principles of apprenticeship learning. Inherent to the model is the coaching and mentoring feature. The series of courses for Literacy Coach Certificate are designed to prepare individuals for supporting accountability with a school-wide assessment system using multiple ways for evaluating student achievement; providing embedded professional development for teachers; assisting with the development of a well-designed school-wide literacy plan; and with assisting teachers to expand their knowledge and expertise particularly in providing differentiated classroom instruction. The training is restricted to candidates employed as a literacy coach in a school setting.
Program of Study
Course requirements fall under Theory and Research (6 hours), Practicum/Field Experiences (9 hours) and Curriculum Framework (3 hours).
For specific information about course numbers and titles visit the catalog listing.