Urban Literacy Clinic Students teaching children
What does it cost?

Check out our cost calculator or visit student financial services for information on estimated costs.

How long will it take?

Minimum of 120 semester hours; students must complete a minimum of nine hours in BRFV 4661 Student Teaching.

Where will I take classes?
Atlanta Campus

Application Deadlines View Admissions Requirements

  • Fall: June 1
  • Spring: Oct. 1
  • Summer: April 1

Birth Through Five, B.S.Ed.

The B.S.Ed. program in birth through five (B-5) prepares teachers and other early care and education professionals to work in varied settings with young children and their families. Age ranges from infancy through kindergarten, including children who are typically developing and those with disabilities.

Our program:

  • Offers evening and online classes
  • Allows students to complete clinical field experience in their work-based settings
  • Prepares students to be innovative, creative and high-quality early childhood educators
  • Offers certification and non-certification options

There are two concentrations:

  • Teacher certification
  • Non-teacher certification

Teacher Certification leads you toward completing all requirements for a certification in this field. The non-certification program is not eligible for certification.

Education programs leading to professional licensure or certification (nursing, education, social work, counseling, accounting, allied health professions, etc.) may require additional approval from separate licensing boards, depending on the state. Students who live or plan to live outside Georgia and are considering a professional program should contact the appropriate board in their state of residency prior to beginning a course of study. To help students find the best-known contact information for the appropriate state licensing board and for a list of Georgia State program contacts, visit the Student Consumer Information website.

Program Highlights

In the birth through five (B-5) program, teacher candidates receive research-based content and pedagogy in developmentally and individually appropriate practices for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten age children. The program provides a multidisciplinary, comprehensive and holistic approach to working with young children and families in diverse settings.

Field-based experiences are structured to provide candidates with opportunities to work with different age groups and children with varying ability levels and educational needs. A broad range of courses and practicum experiences will strengthen candidates’ knowledge and ability to select and implement appropriate curriculum and instructional strategies, developmental activities and care routines, and observation and assessment methods. B-5 candidates may complete many clinical field requirements in approved work-based settings with evening and online classes.

Successful completion of this program leads to a bachelor’s degree. Candidates within the certification concentration may be recommended for certification in both birth through kindergarten and the endorsement in preschool special education (ages 3-5).

Are you interested in teaching children birth through age five?

If you’re curious about starting a career that contributes to young children’s growth and development, learn more about the birth through five program from its director, Tonia Durden.

Career Outcomes

Career opportunities in the B-5 field include:

  • Certified kindergarten and pre-kindergarten teacher (Certification concentration program students only)
  • Head Start program professional
  • Early childhood program director
  • Child care teacher
  • Preschool special education teacher
  • Home visitor program specialist
  • Family agency professional
  • Child care center owner/operator
  • Early intervention specialist
Benefits of Becoming a Birth-Five Educator

Program Details

Admissions Requirements

Program Requirements (both concentrations):

  • Minimum 2.75 overall grade point average on all undergraduate coursework previously completed
  • Successful completion of all Core IMPACTS and Field of Study courses

As part of the application process for the teacher certification concentration, you must also complete or do the following:

  • Take the Georgia Educator Ethics Assessment (360).
  • Purchase tort liability and upload proof of tort liability with your application
  • Complete the online application

As part of the application process for the non-teacher certification concentration, you must also complete or do the following:

  • Purchase tort liability and upload proof of tort liability with your application
  • Complete the online application

Click on the HOW TO APPLY button below to get started.

The Birth-Five program aims to provide an exemplary, interdisciplinary teacher preparation program for early care and education professionals, in order to positively impact the quality of programs for very young children in the urban metropolitan Atlanta region.

With more than 900 clock hours of experiential learning in early learning classrooms, The Birth-Five program provides multiple opportunities for Birth-Five teacher candidates to engage with our educational and community partners and actively pursue the field of early childhood education.

The program curriculum provides the foundational skills and knowledge to create high quality early learning experiences for young children and enhance professional growth and development within the field of early childhood education. In the Birth-Five program B-5 teacher candidates will effectively work over time with children of a variety of ages within the Birth- Five grade bands, with varied abilities and with children reflecting a variety of family systems.

There are nine elective hours in which you will work with your program coordinator to determine what those courses are. And, if all program requirements are satisfied, you will enroll in student teaching.

In total, you will spend a minimum of 120 semester hours in this program for your degree. You will also need to pass the GACE Content Assessment and Georgia Educator Ethics.

However, if you’re in the non-certification program, you won’t be eligible to be recommended for certification.

Visit the catalog for additional details and course descriptions.

Our Mission

The mission of the birth through five program is to provide an exemplary, interdisciplinary teacher preparation program for early care and education professionals to positively impact the quality of programs for very young children in the metro Atlanta region. Our program is committed to principles and practices that are respectful of the unique characteristics of the children, families and teacher candidates with whom we work.

Student Resources

Financial Aid Opportunities for Students Working in Early Care and Education

In addition to the HOPE Scholarship and Pell Grant, there is a source of financial aid that may be available to students who are employed in early care and education in Georgia. To check eligibility requirements for the Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Education SCHOLARSHIPS program, visit www.caresolutions.com.


Program Coordinator
Tonia Durden
[email protected]

Early Childhood and Elementary Education
[email protected]

Mailing Address and Office Location
College of Education & Human Development, Suite 550
30 Pryor St. SW
Atlanta, GA 30303

College of Education Logo30 Pryor Street SW
Atlanta, GA 30303