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Core curriculum: 42-43 hours

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Atlanta Campus

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Human Learning and Development, B.I.S.

Program Coordinator
Omer Ari
[email protected]

The Human Learning and Development program provides students an opportunity to acquire a career-oriented range of skills and knowledge. Students choose from the coursework in behavior and learning disabilities, counseling, deaf studies, educational psychology, family and community advocacy, learning technologies, research methods and problem-solving, and urban education. Courses are taught by faculty across the College of Education & Human Development’s seven departments.

No application is required for this bachelor’s degree. Students are required to declare two selected disciplines with their academic adviser or online.

Program Highlights

Gain Career-Oriented Skills

Our interdisciplinary program of study helps students develop a wide range of career-oriented skills and knowledge in the human learning and development fields. Students choose two disciplines and complete an internship before graduating. 

Human Learning and Development Disciplines

  • Behavior and learning disabilities
  • Counseling
  • Deaf studies
  • Educational psychology
  • Family and community advocacy
  • Learning technology
  • Research methods and problem-solving
  • Urban education
Program Details

Admissions Requirements

The Human Learning and Development concentration is an interdisciplinary program in the College of Education and Human Development. Courses are taught by faculty from the Departments of Counseling and Psychological Services; Educational Policy Studies; Learning Sciences; and Middle and Secondary Education.

This concentration provides students an opportunity to acquire a career-oriented range of skills and knowledge of this important field by choosing from the coursework in behavior and learning disabilities; counseling; deaf studies; educational psychology; family and community advocacy; learning technologies; research methods and problem-solving; and urban education.

Students should contact an advisor in the University Advisement Center or the College of Education and Human Development Office of Academic Assistance to declare the major. They should declare their major by the time they have earned 42 credit hours to avoid a delay in graduation. A 2.0 GPA is required to pursue the program.

The Human Learning and Development concentration is an interdisciplinary program in the College of Education & Human Development. Courses are taught by faculty from the Departments of Counseling and Psychological Services, Educational Policy Studies, Learning Sciences and Middle and Secondary Education. The Core IMPACTS is 42-43 hours and you will choose two disciplines. Students will also be required to complete three to nine hours of internship related to one or more of the disciplines chosen.

More Information

You should contact an advisor in the University Advisement Center or the College of Education & Human Development Office of Academic  Assistance to declare the major.

You should declare your major by the time you have earned 42 credit hours to avoid a delay in graduation.

A 2.0 Georgia State University GPA is required in order to pursue the program.

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Students participate in research internships by taking EDUC 4982 Undergraduate Research in Urban Education or a practical, community-based internship through EDUC 4670 Internship in Human Learning and Development. Those interested in the EDUC 4670 option need to submit an application using an online submission form.


Program Coordinator
Omer Ari
[email protected]

Mailing Address & Office Location
College of Education & Human Development
30 Pryor St. SW
Atlanta, GA 30303

College of Education Logo30 Pryor Street SW
Atlanta, GA 30303

The information shared provides an overview of Georgia State’s offerings. For details on admissions requirements, tuition, courses and more, refer to the university catalogs.