Rihana Mason
Research Scientist II- Education
Bachelors of Psychology, Spelman College, 1999
Masters of Arts in Psychology, University of South Carolina, 2001
Doctor of Philosophy, University of South Carolina, 2004
- Specializations
Experimental psychology, Cognitive psychology, Culturally Relevant Evaluation
- Biography
Rihana S. Mason is an experimental psychologist with over 20 years of social science research experience including five years of program evaluation.
Mason offers her experience in culturally relevant evaluation and the utilization of an array of data collection measurement tools including the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS), Climate of Healthy Interactions for Learning and Development (CHILD) and Language Environmental Analysis System (LENA). She brings evaluation expertise related to her role as an external evaluator for as project director for evaluations at the federal/state level (U.S. Education Department, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education) including the Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Initiative (SRCL) and Comprehensive Literacy State Development (CLSD).
Mason is knowledgeable regarding the acquisition and assessment of early literacy skill and language skills of typically development children, as well as children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
- Publications
ORCID ID – https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0916-5325
Mason, R.S., Grahe, J.E., & Ceynar, M. ( 2024). Early Psychological Research Contributions from Women of Color, Volume 2. Routledge.
Mason, R.S., Grahe, J.E., & Ceynar, M. (expected, 2024). Early Psychological Research Contributions from Women of Color, Volume 2. Routledge.
Grahe, J.E., Ceynar, M. & Mason, R.S. (2023). Early Psychological Research Contributions from Women of Color, Volume 1. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003246183
Byrd, C.D. & Mason, R.S. (2021). Academic Pipeline Programs: Diversifying Pathways from the Bachelors to the Professoriate. Lever Press. https://doi.org/10.3998/mpub.12216775
Book Chapters
Bass, L. & Mason, R.S. (in press). Culturally responsive coaching: Making supports RAIN at the individual level. In Biel, C. & Rau, A. (Eds). Coaching in the Home Visiting Space. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
Mason, R.S. & Bass, L. (in press). Culturally responsive coaching: Making supports RAIN at the systems level. In Biel, C. & Rau, A. (Eds). Coaching in the Home Visiting Space. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
Mason, R.S. (2023). Dr. Inez Beverly Prosser: An exemplary psychologist, pioneer, and psychometrician. In Grahe, J.E., Ceynar, M. & Mason, R.S. (Eds.). Early Psychological Research Contributions from Women of Color. Routledge.
Grahe, J.E., Ceynar, M. & Mason, R.S. (2023). Understanding cultural pioneers: A guide to Volume 1. In Grahe, J.E., Ceynar, M. & Mason, R.S. (Eds.). Early Psychological Research Contributions from Women of Color. Routledge.
Jones, L.D., Jain, S. & Mason, R.S. (2023). Dr. Diane Willis: Pediatric Psychology, Establishing a New Discipline. In Grahe, J.E., Ceynar, M. & Mason, R.S. (Eds.). Early Psychological Research Contributions from Women of Color. Routledge.
Mason, R.S., Jones, LB., Mason, J., Botros, C. & Sinkfeld, A. (2021). Evaluating the experiences and perceived benefits of undergraduates attending a regional Psychology conference. In H. Scherschel (Ed.) Teaching Tips: A Compendium of Conference Presentations on Teaching, 2019-2020.
Mason, R.S., Byrd, C.D., & Muldrow, L. (2021). Using THRIVE as a Framework for Creating HBCU Success Stories. Eds. Crosby, G.B., White, K.A., Chanay, M.A., & Hilton, A.A. Reimagining Historically Black Colleges and Universities – Survival A Beyond 2021 (pp.53-70). Emerald Publishing.
Mason, R.S. (2020). Mentoring as discipleship at Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Ed. Bradley, Why Black Lives Matter: African American Thriving for the Twenty-First Century (pp. 93-102). Eugene, OR: Cascade Books.
Mittal, S., Singh, T., Mason, R.S., Grahe, J., and Ceynar, M. (2024, October). Indigenisation and Gender Equity in Psychology: Recognizing Diverse Contributions and Voices. Psychologs Magazine. India.
Mason, R.S. & Bass, L.A. (2022, May). Remodeling DEI Initiatives in the K12 Space. Stem News Technical Journal, 2(2), 10-12.
Mason, R.S. (2021). P is for psychologist: Stimulating interest in psych careers. Psi Chi Journal for Psychological Research, 26(3), 278-282. https://www.psichi.org/page/263JNFall2021
Other Scholarly Works-Technical Reports
Bingham, G. E., Fortner, C. K., & Mason, R. S. (2021). 2017 L4GA Cohort Evaluation Report.
Bingham, G., Mason, R. S., Fortner, C. K., & Clay, J. (2020). LEA Data Utilization Survey Results.
Mason, R.S., Fitton, L., James, R.L. & Petscher, Y, (under review). Oral Language Assessment LITeracy: Choosing the Right Assessment in the Time of COVID. Assessment for Effective Intervention. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/fn9j4
Early, D. M., Maxwell, K. L., Blasberg, A., Miranda, B., Orfali, N. S., Bultinck, E., Bingham, G.E., Mason, R.S., Li, W., Bultinok, E., & Gebhart, T. (2019). Quality Rated validation study report #4: Quality Rated star ratings and Independent measures of quality, children’s growth, and work climate. Chapel Hill, NC: Child Trends.
Early, D. M., Orfali, N. S., Maxwell, K. L., Bultinck, E., Nugent, C., Mason, R.S., Miranda, B., Blasberg, A., & Bingham, G.E. (2018). Quality Rated validation study report #3: Director, teacher, and provider perceptions of Quality Rated. Chapel Hill, NC: Child Trends.
Chambers, B.O., Mason, R.S., Muldrow, L. & Thomas, A. (in press). “Changing the game: Examining the development of an online automated research simulation case study.” International Journal of STEM Education.
Byrd, C.D. & Mason, R.S. (2021). “Academic pipeline programs: Diversifying pathways from the bachelors to the professoriate.” Lever Press. https://doi.org/10.3998/mpub.12216775
Mason, R.S., Jones, LB., Mason, J., Botros, C. & Sinkfeld, A. (2021). “Evaluating the experiences and perceived benefits of undergraduates attending a regional Psychology conference.” In H. Scherschel (Ed.) Teaching Tips: A Compendium of Conference Presentations on Teaching, 2019-2020.
Mason, R.S., Byrd, C.D., & Muldrow, L. (2021). “Using THRIVE as a Framework for Creating HBCU Success Stories.” Eds. Crosby, G.B., White, K.A., Chanay, M.A., & Hilton, A.A. Imagining the Future: Historically Black Colleges and Universities – A Matter of Survival (pp.53-70). Information Age Publishing.
Bass. L.A., & Mason, R.S. (2021, May 3). “Lost in interpretation: Making space for dialect differences in classrooms.” The Teaching Professor.
Mason, R.S. (2020). “Mentoring as discipleship at Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).” Ed. Bradley, Why Black Lives Matter: African American Thriving for the Twenty-First Century (pp. 93-102). Eugene, OR: Cascade Books
Mason, R.S. & Bass. LA., (2020). “Just ask me again: An investigation of depth of word knowledge in low-income kindergarten children.” Early Education and Development, 31, 6, 910-926. http://doi.org/10.1080/10409289.2019.1702303
Mason, R.S. (2020-21, Winter). “One size fits no one: STEPS in considering bias in word usage.” Eye on Psi Chi: Diversity Column, 25(2), 22-24. https://doi.org/10.24839/2164-9812.Eye25.2.22
Mason, R.S. (2018-19, Winter). An Ongoing Need for the Committee for Equality and Professional Opportunity (CEPO). Eye on Psi Chi: Diversity Column, 23(2), https://doi.org/10.24839/2164-9812.Eye23.2.10
Bojczyk, K.E., Rogers-Haverback, H, Davis, A.E., Pae, H. & Mason, R.S. (2015). “Cultural capital theory: a study of children enrolled in rural and urban Head Start programmes.” Early Child Development and Care, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03004430.2014.1000886.
Williams, R.S., Terry, N.P, & Metzger, I. (2013). “KidCategories: A comparison of the category productions of LSES and MSES Elementary School Children.” Communications Disorders Quarterly, 34, 71-80.
Pae, H. K, Greenberg, D., & Williams, R.S. (2012). “An analysis of differential response patterns on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-IIIB in struggling adult readers and third-grade children.” Reading & Writing, 25, 1239-1258. doi:10.1007/s11145- 011-9315-x.