Patrick Enderle
Associate Professor - Science Education Middle and Secondary Education- Education
B.S. in Biology, East Carolina University, 1998
M.S. in Molecular Biology, East Carolina University, 2001
Program Evaluation Certificate, Florida State University, 2009
Ph.D. in Science Education, Florida State University, 2012
- Biography
Patrick Enderle’s interest in science, especially biology, began early in life and was consistently enriched through dynamic science teachers who served as guides during his development. He received B.S. and M.S. degrees in molecular biology from East Carolina University and was previously a high school biology teacher and a visiting professor in the Department of Biology at East Carolina University. These experiences excited his interest in understanding how students learn science and how to improve the teaching of science.
Following those interests, he completed his doctorate in science education at Florida State University. His current research explores implementation of argumentation and other scientific practices in the science classroom and how to support science teachers in those efforts; enhancing and developing science teacher professional development that encourages the enrichment of their instructional beliefs and practices; and innovations in undergraduate science education that extend the rich science learning experiences being developed for secondary classrooms.
- Publications
Peffer, M., Renken, M., Enderle, P., & Cohen, J. (accepted-2019). Mission to Planet Markle: Outcomes from a genetics-themed problem-based learning unit delivered to elementary aged students. Research in Science Education.
Aghasaleh, R., Enderle, P., Puvirajah, A. (accepted-2018). Computational Thinking with Urban Latinx Middle School Students through Freirean Project-based Problem Posing. Journal of Latinos and Education.
Grooms, J., Sampson, V., & Enderle, P. (2018). How concept familiarity and experience with scientific argumentation relate to quality of group argumentation. Journal for Research in Science Teaching, 55(9), 1264-1286. DOI: 10.1002/tea.21451
Strimaitis, A. M., Southerland, S. A., Sampson, V. D., Enderle, P. J., & Grooms, J. (2017). The potential of ambitious instruction for fostering science for all: A comparative case study of biology laboratory instruction at two high schools. School Science and Mathematics, 117 (3-4), 92 – 103.
Enderle, P., Bickel, R., Gleim, L., Granger, E., Grooms, J., Hester, M., Murphy, A., Sampson, V., and Southerland, S. (2015). Argument-Driven Inquiry in Life Science: Lab Investigations for grades 6-8. Washington, DC: NSTA Press.
Grooms, J., Enderle, P., and Sampson, V. (2015). “Coordinating scientific argumentation and the Next Generation Science Standards through Argument-Driven Inquiry.” Science Educator, 24(1), 45-50.
Enderle, P., Dentzau, M., Roseler, K., Southerland, S., Granger, E., Hughes, R., Golden, B., and Saka, Y. (2014). “Examining the influence of RET’s on science teacher beliefs.” Science Education, 98(6), 1077-1108.
Sampson, V., Carafano, P., Enderle, P., Fannin, S., Grooms, J., Southerland, S., Stallworth, C. and Williams, K. (2014). Argument-Driven Inquiry in Chemistry: Lab Investigations for grades 9-12. Washington, DC: NSTA Press.
Sampson, V., Enderle, P., Gleim, L., Grooms, J., Hester, M., Southerland, S., and Wilson, K. (2014). Argument-Driven Inquiry in Biology: Lab Investigations for grades 9-12. Washington, DC: NSTA Press.