Naomi Jessup
Assistant Professor - Mathematics Education Early Childhood and Elementary Education- Education
Ph.D. in Educational Studies of Mathematics Education, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Masters of School Administration, Appalachian State University
B.A. in Elementary Education, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
- Specializations
Teacher Noticing
Professional Development
Framing Theory
Children's Mathematical Thinking
- Biography
Naomi Jessup is an assistant professor in the Department of Early Childhood Elementary Education at Georgia State University. She received her Ph.D. in mathematics education at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
Her research examines teacher learning and development related to children’s mathematical thinking of elementary fractions, mathematics teaching practices, and curriculum for culturally, linguistically, and economically diverse populations. In addition, Jessup’s research examines ways of reengineering mathematics education spaces amid and post the COVID-19 pandemic that is rehumanizing and honors the voices, knowledge and contributions of Black students, parents and their communities. Her work has been supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM).
Jessup has more than 18 years of experience in mathematics education at the K-12 and university level serving as an elementary school teacher, K-8 mathematics instructional coach and formative assessment coach (school and district level) and methods course instructor. She teaches mathematics content and methods courses for prospective teachers in the elementary education bachelor’s degree program and doctoral courses focused on critical issues in education.
Jessup is a member of the Georgia Mathematics and Illustrative Mathematics Advisory Council. She served as a member of the American Educational Research Association Research (AERA) Mathematics Education SIG and the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) Membership Taskforce and Standards Dissemination Committee.
Her research has been published in high-quality mathematics education and teacher education journals including ZDM – International Journal on Mathematics Education, Educational Studies in Mathematics and Journal of Education for Teaching.
- Publications
Jessup, N., Wolfe, J., & Kalinec-Craig, C. (in press). “Rehumanizing mathematics education and building community in online spaces.” In Research in Mathematics Education Book Series. Springer
Maldonado, L., Jessup, N., Myers, M., Chao, T., & Louie, N. (in press). “Taking a critical approach to cognitively guided instruction in elementary mathematics methods courses.” Mathematics Teacher Educator.
Matthews, L., Jessup, N., & Sears, R. (2021). “Looking for ‘Us’: Power reimagined in mathematics learning for Black communities in the pandemic.” Educational Studies in Mathematics. DOI:
Louie, N., Adiredja, A., & Jessup, N. (2021). “Teacher Noticing from a Sociopolitical Perspective: The FAIR Framework for Anti-Deficit Noticing.” ZDM – International Journal on Mathematics Education. DOI:
Smith, E., Dobie., Jessup, N., & Ward, J. (2021). “Tensions of trust in preservice teachers’ considerations of challenging mathematics tasks.” Journal of Education for Teaching. DOI:
Jessup, N., Wolfe, J., Kalinec-Craig, C., & Udiani, O. (2020). “Pandemics and Issues of Equity. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching Pre-K–12.” 113(10), e58-e59. DOI:
Jessup, N., Sears, R., & Matthews, L. (2020). “Reengineering Hope for an Inclusive Mathematics Education.” In P.G. Schrader, D. Carlson, & D. Anagnostopoulos (Eds.), The Corona chronicles: On process, leadership, commitment, and hope in uncertain times (pp. 207 – 212). DIOPRESS.
Baker, K., Jessup, N., Jacobs, V., & Case, J. (2020) “Productive struggle in action. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching Pre-K–12.” 113(5), 361 – 367. DOI:
Empson, S., Jacobs, V., Jessup, N., Hewitt, A., Pynes, D., & Krause, G. (2020). “Unit fractions as superheroes for fraction instruction.” Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching Pre-K–12. 113(4), 278 – 286. DOI:
Jacobs, V. R., Empson, S. B., Pynes, D., Hewitt, A., Jessup, N., & Krause, G. (2019). Responsive teaching in elementary mathematics (RTEM) project. In P. Sztajn & P. H. Wilson (Eds.), “Learning trajectories for teachers: Designing effective professional development for math instruction” (pp. 75 – 103). Teachers College Press.