Mario Pires
Clinical Assistant Professor Educational Policy Studies- Education
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Bridgewater State University, 2009
Master of Arts for Teaching Mathematics, University of Massachusetts, 2011
Post-Masters Licensure Program in Educational Leadership, Bridgewater State University, 2013
Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership, Boston College, 2022
Lynch Leadership Academy Fellowship, Boston College, 2025
- Specializations
K-12 School Leadership
District- and School-based Middle-level Instructional Leaders
Mathematics Instructional Leadership
School Culture and Climate
Equity-driven School Improvement Cycles
- Biography
Mario Pires is a clinical assistant professor in the Educational Policy Studies department, supporting the leadership component of the PROPEL grant. He graduated with his Ed.D. from the Department of Educational Leadership and Higher Education in the Lynch School of Education at Boston College.
Pires served as a mathematics teacher, Content Instructional Leader of Mathematics and principal in his hometown of New Bedford, Mass. He also served as an assistant head of school in Boston Public Schools, leading the grades 11 and 12 teams to a 100% graduation for two years in a row, improving the school’s standing in mathematics data and increasing access to advanced placement coursework.
Pires’ professional interests include the intersection of professional learning and instructional leadership for district- and school-based leaders. He is also focused on a system of instructional improvement for school-based leaders, particularly as it relates to literacy practices across the K—12 public school sector.