Jeff Ashby
Professor - Co-Director, Ken Matheny Center for the Study of Stress, Trauma, and Resilience; Director of the Play Therapy Training Institute Counseling and Psychological Services- Biography
Jeff Ashby received his Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Pennsylvania State University. He is a licensed psychologist (GA 002265) and a Diplomate of the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP #5351). He does research in the areas of stress and trauma and cognitive structures (e.g., perfectionism). His additional interests include play therapy and adventure/experiential modalities of counseling.
He is a co-director of the Ken Matheny Center for the Study of Stress, Trauma, and Resilience.
- Publications
Suh, H. N., Ashby, J. S., Rice, K. G., and Bruner, L. P. (2022). “Korean and English Versions of the Short Almost Perfect Scale: Implications of Measurement Invariance Across Language of Choice.” Counselling Psychology Quarterly. 10.1080/09515070.2022.2152779
Kira, I.A.; Aljakoub, J.; Al Ibraheem, B.; Shuwiekh, H.; Ashby, J.S. (2022). “The Etiology of Complex PTSD in the COVID-19 and Continuous Traumatic Stressors Era: A Test of Competing and Allied Models.” Journal of Loss and Trauma, 1-21. 10.1080/15325024.2022.2028094
Kira, I.A., Al-Noor, T.H., Al-bayaty, Y.W., Shuwiekh, H., Ashby, J.S., and Jamil, H. (2022). “Intersected Discrimination Through the Lens of COVID-19: The Case Example of Christian Minority in Iraq.” American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 92(3), 371-388.
Kira, I.A.; Ibrahim, E.R.; Shuwiekh, H. and Ashby, J.S. (2022). “Does Intersected Discrimination Underlie the Disproportionate Impact of COVID-19 Infection and its Severity on Minorities? An Example from Jordan.” Journal of Loss and Trauma: International Perspectives on Stress and Coping, 25(5), 395-417.
Kira, I. A., Rice, K., Ashby, J. S., Shuwiekh, H., Ibraheem, A. B., and Aljakoub, J. (2022). “Which Traumas Proliferate and Intensify COVID-19 Stressors? The Differential Role of Pre- and Concurrent Continuous Traumatic Stressors and Cumulative Dynamics in Two Communities: USA and Syria.” Journal of Loss and Trauma, 1-18.
Kira, I. A., Shuwiekh, H., Ahmed, S.A., Ebada, E.E., Tantawy, S.F., Waheep, N.N., and Ashby, J.S. (2022). “Coping with COVID-19 Prolonged and Cumulative Stressors: The Case Example of Egypt.” International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 1-22.
Rice, K. G., Aiello, M., Durán, B., Ashby, J. S., and Kira, I. (2022). “Sociodemographic Factors as Moderators of COVID-19 Stress on Depression.” Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 1-14.
Zabek, F., Meyers, J., Rice, K. G., Ashby, J. S., and Kruger, A. C. (2022). “Can School Climate Surveys Accurately and Equitably Measure School Quality? The Multilevel Structure and Invariance of the Georgia School Climate Scale.” Journal of School Psychology, 95, 1–24.
Alpay, E.; Kira, I.; Shuwiekh, H.; Ashby, J.S.; Turkeli, A. and Alhuwailah, A. (2021). “The Effects of COVID-19 Continuous Traumatic Stress on Mental Health: The Case of Syrian Refugees in Turkey.” Traumatology 27(4), 375–387.
Ashby, J.S., Rice, K.G., Kira, I., & Davari, J (2021). “The Relationship of COVID-19 Traumatic Stress, Cumulative Trauma, and Race to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms.” Journal of Community Psychology, 50(6), 2579-2610.
Kira, I; Shuwiekh, H., Alhuwalia, A., Ashby, J.S., Sous, M., Baali, S., Azdaou, C., Oliemat, E, Jamil, H. (2021). “The Effects of COVID-19 and Collective Identity Trauma (Intersectional Discrimination) on Social Status and Well-Being.” Traumatology, 27(1), 29-39.