G. Sue Kasun
Professor - Language and Culture; Teacher Education Middle and Secondary Education- Education
Ph.D., Cultural Studies in Education, University of Texas, Austin, 2012
M.A., Education Administration, Framingham State College, 2002
M.A., Global Political Economy, University of Denver, 1999
B.A., Spanish and International Studies, Guilford College, 1996
- Specializations
AI in education
Latinx populations with focus on Mexican-origin populations
Connecting AI in education and ancestral wisdoms
Teacher education
Critical ethnography and qualitative methods
Postcolonial and Chicana feminist theories
Decolonizing/indigenizing curriculum
- Biography
G. Sue Kasun is a professor of language and culture education. She is one of three recently selected AI Educators of Professional Preparation Fellows by the International Society for Technology & Education (ISTE) for the 2024-2025 academic year. This fellowship involves engaging the newest ISTE coursework on AI and education, reviewing and supplying information related to national-level policy conversations on AI and presenting at multiple conferences.
Kasun has served as a Snap Center Fellow at Georgia State University, where she has woven her interest and work in Native science/Indigenous knowledge into digital curriculum piloted in U.S. dual immersion education with partnerships based among Totonaco and Nahua peoples in Mexico. She has led keynote sessions and provided workshops on AI and education for Fulbright Award educators. Kasun also presents findings for university faculty and others interested in AI and education. In 2024, she received a $1.1 million grant from the Racial Equity in STEM National Science Education funding stream for related work as lead investigator.
With two decades of research with Mexican-origin populations, her work is multi-sited, situated in sending and receiving communities spanning the U.S.-Mexican border, highlighting the transnationalism of many immigrant communities. Her co-edited book, “Applying Anzalduan Frameworks to understand transnational youth identities: bridging culture, language and schooling at the U.S.-Mexican border,” (Routledge) won the American Educational Studies Association’s (AESA) Critics’ Choice Award in 2023. Her latest book, “Decolonizing Study Abroad through the Identities of Latinx Students: A Manifesto to Reclaim Identities and Heritage,” (Routledge) with co-authors Beth Marks and Julián Jefferies, won the 2024 AESA Critics’ Choice Award.
Kasun has focused on Mexican-origin populations’ ways of knowing and intersections with language education and how Mexican-origin youth have performed in schools, including through a Fulbright Award to Mexico during the 2017-2018 school year. Her research has been published in many education journals, including Teachers College Record, Anthropology & Education Quarterly, Harvard Education Review and TESOL Quarterly.
- Publications
Select Publications
Kasun, G.S. Marks, B.. & Jefferies, J. (2024.) “Decolonising Study Abroad through the Identities of Latinx Students: A Manifesto to Reclaim Identities and Heritage.” Routledge.
Kasun, G.S. & Mora Pablo, I. (Eds.). (2022). “Applying Anzalduan Frameworks to Understand Transnational Youth Identities: Bridging Culture, Language, and Schooling at the US-Mexican Border.” Routledge.
Quadri, Y. & Kasun, G. S. (2023). From the Queen’s English to Reclaiming Indigenous languages: An African poetic perspective. TESOL Journal. 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1002/tesj.723
Blanton, A., Kasun, G. S., Gambrell, J. A., & Espinosa, Z. (2021). A Black mother’s counterstory to the Brown-White binary in dual language education: Toward disrupting dual language as White property. Language Policy, 20(2021), 463-487. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10993-021-09582-4
Cervantes-Soon, C. G., Gambrell, J. A., Kasun, G. S., Sun, W., Freire, J. A., & Dorner, M. (2021). “Everybody wants a choice”: Neoliberal whiteness shaping media discourses about dual language education in el Nuevo Sur. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, (20)6, 394-410. https://doi.org/10.1080/15348458.2020.1753201
Kasun, G. S., & Saavedra, C. M. (2016). Disrupting ELL teacher candidates’ identities: Indigenizing teacher education in one study abroad program. TESOL Quarterly 50(3), 684-707.
Kasun, G. S. (2015). ‘The only Mexican in the room’: Sobrevivencia as a way of knowing for Mexican transnational students and families. Anthropology & Education Quarterly 46(3), 277-294.
Cervantes-Soon, C. G., Gambrell, J. A., Kasun, G. S., Sun, W., Freire, J. A., & Dorner, L. M. (2020). “Everybody wants a choice”: Neoliberal whiteness shaping media discourses about dual language education in el Nuevo Sur. Journal of Language, Identity & Education.
Hidalgo Aviles, H., & Kasun, G.S. (2019). Imperial language educators in these times: Transnational voices from Mexico on nationalisms and returnee transnationals. Educational Studies. 10.1080/00131946.2019.1570932
Scott, J.A., & Kasun, G.S. (2018). It’s not enough to move your hands beautifully: Teaching and learning at a school for deaf students in Mexico. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2018.1545744
Kasun, G. S. (2018). Chicana feminism as a bridge: The personal struggle of a white woman researcher seeking an alternative theoretical lens. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing.p. 1-9.
Kasun, G.S. and Saavedra, C. M. (2016). “Disrupting ELL teacher candidates’ identities: Indigenizing teacher education in one study abroad program.” TESOL Quarterly 50(3), p. 684-707.
Kasun, G.S. (2016). “Interplay of a way of a knowing among Mexican-origin transnationals: Chaining to the border and to transnational communities.” Teachers College Record 119(9).
Kasun, G. S. (2016). “Ways of Knowing: A framework for educators to understand Mexican-origin transnational families for educational equity.” Equity & Excellence in Education 49(2), p. 129-142.
Kasun, G.S. (2015). “‘The only Mexican in the room’: Sobrevivencia as a way of knowing for Mexican transnational students and families.” Anthropology & Education Quarterly 46(3), p. 277-294.
Kasun, G.S. (2014). “Hidden Knowing of working-class transnational Mexican families in schools: Bridge-building, Nepantlera knowers.” Ethnography and Education 9(3), p. 313-327.
Kasun, G.S. (2013). “‘We are not terrorists,’ but more likely transnationals: Reframing understandings about immigrants in light of the Boston Marathon bombings.” Multicultural Perspectives 15(4), p. 227-233.