Deron Boyles
Distinguished University Professor Educational Policy Studies- Education
Doctor of Philosophy, Vanderbilt University, 1991
- Specializations
Philosophy of Education
Commercialism/School-Business Partnerships
Critical Theory
- Biography
Deron Boyles is Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Educational Policy Studies at Georgia State University. His research interests include school commercialism, epistemology, ethics, and American philosophy—particularly John Dewey and Joseph Kinmont Hart. His work has been published in journals such as Philosophy of Education, Social Epistemology, Journal of Thought, Education & Culture, Philosophical Studies in Education, Dewey Studies, Inter-American Journal of Philosophy, Journal of Curriculum Theory, History of Education Quarterly, Educational Studies and Educational Theory.
His first book, “American Education and Corporations: The Free Market Goes to School,” won the Critics’ Choice Award from the American Educational Studies Association (AESA) in 2000 and was reissued in 2018. He is the editor of two books, “Schools or Markets?: Commercialism, Privatization, and School-Business Partnerships” (2005) and “The Corporate Assault on Youth: Commercialism, Exploitation, and the End of Innocence” (2008). He is co-author, with Benjamin Baez, of “The Politics of Inquiry: Education Research and the ‘Culture of Science'” (2009), which was awarded the CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title for 2009 and the AESA Critics’ Choice Award for 2010. He is also co-author, with Kenneth J. Potts, of the intellectual biography “From a Gadfly to a Hornet: Academic Freedom, Humane Education, and the Intellectual Life of Joseph Kinmont Hart” (2016). His most recent book is “John Dewey’s Imaginative Vision of Teaching: Combining Theory and Practice” (2020).
He is the recipient of the 2007 Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award, the 2012 Outstanding Service Award, the 2017 Recognition of Faculty Excellence Award and the 2021 Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award from the College of Education & Human Development at Georgia State University.
In 2010, he was presented with the James and Helen Merritt Award for Distinguished Service to Philosophy of Education.
Boyles received his Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University in 1991, is a Fellow in the Philosophy of Education Society, past-president of the American Educational Studies Association and past-president of the John Dewey Society.
- Publications
Deron Boyles, John Dewey’s Imaginative Vision of Teaching: Combining Theory and Practice (Gorham, ME: Myers Education Press, 2020).
Deron Boyles and Kenneth J. Potts, From a Gadfly to a Hornet: Academic Freedom, Humane Education, and the Intellectual Life of Joseph Kinmont Hart (Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc., 2016).
Benjamin Baez and Deron Boyles, The Politics of Inquiry: Education Research and the “Culture of Science” (New York: SUNY Press, 2009).
Deron Boyles, ed., The Corporate Assault on Youth: Commercialism, Exploitation, and the End of Innocence (New York: Peter Lang, 2008).
Deron Boyles, ed., Schools or Markets?: Commercialism, Privatization, and School Business Partnerships (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2005).
Deron Boyles, American Education and Corporations: The Free Market Goes to School (New York: Falmer, 1998/2000/2018).
Deron Boyles and Kenneth Driggers, “The Spectre of Agreement: A Contractarian Analysis of Market Ethics in Education,” in Sheron Fraser-Burgess, Jessica Heybach, and Dini Metro-Roland, eds., The Cambridge Handbook on Ethics and Education (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024): 529-544.
Deron Boyles, “Michael Berube, Academic Freedom, and the Purposes of Higher Education in the U.S.,” in Joe DiVitas, ed., Engaged Minds: Today’s Public Intellectuals and American Higher Education (Gorham, ME: Myers Education Press, 2022): 97-105.
Deron Boyles, “Countering the Continued Corporate Assault on Schools: Endorsing Public Education, Ethical Altruism, and Critical Policy Studies,” in Chris Lubienski and T. Jameson Brewer, eds, Learning to Teach in an Era of Privatization: Global Trends in Teacher Education (New York: Teachers College Press, 2019): 17-41.
Gabriel Keehn, Morgan Anderson, and Deron Boyles, “Neoliberalism, Technology, and the University: Max Weber’s Concept of Rationalization as a Critique of Online Classes in Higher Education,” in Aaron Stoller and Eli Kramer, eds., Philosophical Proposals for the University: Toward a Philosophy of Higher Education (New York: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2018): 47-77.
Gabriel Keehn and Deron Boyles, “Emmanuel Levinas: Philosophical Exposures and Responses to Systemic and Symbolic Violence in Education,” in Harvey Shapiro, ed., The Handbook of Violence in Education: Forms, Factors, and Preventions (New York: Wiley-Blackwell, 2018): 537-557.
Deron Boyles, “Neuropragmatism, Neuroscience, and the Commercialization of Schooling,” in Neuroscience and Education: A Philosophical Appraisal, ed. Clarence Joldersma (New York: Routledge, 2016): 72-90.
Deron Boyles, “A Spectator’s Version of Knowledge,” in Donna Adair Breault and Rick Breault, eds., Experiencing Dewey: Insights for Today’s Classroom (Indianapolis: Kappa Delta Pi, 2013), 53-56. Reprint.
Deron Boyles, “Would You Like Values with That? Chick-fil-A™ and Character Education,” in Joseph L. DeVitis & Tianlong Yu, eds., Character & Moral Education: A Reader (Peter Lang, 2011), 89-101. Reprint.
Deron Boyles, “Would You Like Values with That? Chick-fil-A™ and Character Education,” in Joseph L. DeVitis and Linda Irwin-DeVitis, eds., Adolescent Education: A Reader (New York: Peter Lang, 2010), chapter 14. Reprint.
Deron Boyles, “‘Public’ Schools, Privatization, and the Public/Private Distinction,” in Steven Tozer, Annette Henry, Bernardo Gallegos, Mary Bushnell Greiner, and Paula Groves Price, eds., Handbook for the Social Foundations of Education (New York: Routledge, 2010), 356-364.
Deron Boyles, Tony Carusi, and Dennis Attick, “Historical and Critical Interpretations of Social Justice,” in William Ayers, Theresa Quinn, and David Stovall, eds., Handbook on Social Justice in Education (New York: Routledge, 2008), 30-42.
Deron Boyles, “Marketing Sameness: Consumerism, Commercialism, and the Status Quo,” Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research, J.C. Smart, ed., vol. XXII (2007): 537-582.
Deron Boyles, Alisa Cunningham, Rasheedah Mullings, Penny A. Pasque, and Sheila Slaughter, “A Discussion of Fair Market Possibilities for the Public Good,” Taking Responsibility: A Call for Higher Education’s Engagement in a Society of Complex Global Challenges, Penny A. Pasque, Lori A. Hendricks, and Nicholas A. Bowman, eds. (Ann Arbor: National Forum on Higher Education for the Public Good, 2006): 57-71.
Deron Boyles, “The Role of Sports Clubs in Community Building and Student Leadership,” in Nancy Mansfield, ed., Learning to Succeed (Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing, 2006): 297-305.
Deron Boyles, “The Quest for Certainty,” in Donna Adair Breault and Rick Breault, eds., Experiencing Dewey: Insights for Today’s Classroom (Indianapolis: Kappa Delta Pi, 2005), 70-73.
Deron R. Boyles, “John Dewey,” Dictionary of Literary Biography: Twentieth Century American Cultural Theorists, Paul Hansom, ed. (Farmington Hills, MI: The Gale Group, 2001): 75-97.
Deron Boyles, “The Future is Death: Miguel de Unamuno’s Niebla, Tragicomic Fiction, and Philosophy of Education,” Philosophy of Education, in press.
Deron Boyles, “Dewey, Globalism, and Education: Pragmatism’s Challenges and Challenges to Pragmatism,” Pragmatism Today 15, no. 2 (2024): 24-34.
Abbey Hortenstine and Deron Boyles, “Graduate Teaching Assistants, DFW Rates, and the Simulacrum: Baudrillard Meets the Modern University,” Philosophical Studies in Education, 55 (2024): 144-153.
Kristy Cameron and Deron Boyles, “Place-Based Pedagogy: Lessons from John Dewey’s Laboratory School and the Reggio Emilia Educational Project,” John Dewey and His Legacy for Education, in press.
Deron Boyles, “With Friends Like These…: Research Methods and the Marginalization of Philosophy,” Philosophical Inquiry in Education 31, no. 3 (2024): 218-234.
Kenneth Driggers and Deron Boyles, “Educational Implications of ChatGPT: On Peircean Rules of Reason,” Educational Theory, in press.
Kenneth Driggers and Deron Boyles, “Epistemology as Pragmatic Inquiry: Rorty, Haack, and Academic Relativism in Education,” Studies in Philosophy of Education, December 2023,
Deron Boyles, “Functionalism as Reflecting and Knowing: Dewey’s Epistemology in the Logic,” Philosophy of Education, 79, no. 4 (2023): 70-84.
Kenneth Driggers and Deron Boyles, “What is Called Cheating?: Heidegger, Commercial Surveillance, and Schooling,” European Journal of Educational Technology, 5, no. 1 (2022):
Erin Scussel and Deron Boyles, “Pandemic of Ignorance: Manufactured Ignorance and the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Philosophical Studies in Education 53 (2022): 41-55.
Kristina Cameron and Deron Boyles, “Learning and Teaching in a Neoliberal Era: The Tensions of Engaging in Froebelian-Informed Pedagogy while Encountering Quality Standards,” Global Education Review 9, no. 2 (2022): 99-117.
Deron Boyles, “Dewey’s Business Ethics and Education: Bridging Public-Private Tensions?” Philosophy of Education, 76 no. 2 (2020): 153-167.
Adrian Neely and Deron Boyles, “The Conscious Capitalist and Neoliberal Policy: Southwire’s STEM for Life Program,” Journal of Thought, nos. 1 & 2 (Spring-Summer, 2020): 58-81.
Deron Boyles and Kip Kline, “On the Technology Fetish in Education: Ellul, Baudrillard, and the End of Humanity,” Philosophical Studies in Education 49 (2019): 58-66.
Deron Boyles, “Plato’s Theaetetus: Formation over Forms?” Philosophy of Education 2018, ed., Megan Laverty (2019): 229-241.
Deron Boyles, “From Transmission to Transaction: John Dewey’s Imaginative Vision of Teaching,” Education 3-13: The International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education 46, no. 4 (2018): 393-401.
Deron Boyles and Jim Garrison, “The Mind is Not the Brain: Avoiding the Mereological Fallacy,” Dewey Studies 1, no. 1 (2017): 111-130.
Nicholas J. Eastman, Morgan Anderson, and Deron Boyles, “Choices or Rights?: Charter Schools and the Politics of Choice-Based Education Policy Reform,” Studies in Philosophy of Education 35, no. 159 (2016): 1-21.
Dennis Attick and Deron Boyles, “Pearson Learning and the Ongoing Corporatization of Public Education,” Journal of Thought 50, nos. 1-2 (2016): 5-19.
Deron Boyles, “Absurdities, Contradictions, and Paradoxes in Miguel de Unamuno’s Amor y Pedagogía,” Educational Theory 66, no. 5 (2016): 619-639.
Nicholas J. Eastman and Deron Boyles, “Defending Academic Freedom in the Corporate University: John Dewey and the 100th Anniversary of the AAUP,” Education & Culture 31, no. 1 (2015): 17-43
Gabriel Keehn and Deron Boyles, “Sense, Nonsense, and Violence: Levinas and the Internal Logic of School Shootings,” Educational Theory 65, no. 4 (2015): 441-458.
Deron Boyles and Kenneth J. Potts, “Joseph Kinmont Hart and Reed College: Academic Freedom and the First World War,” Vitae Scholasticae 31, no. 1 (Summer, 2014): 23-49.
Deron Boyles, “Brain Matters: An Argument for Neuropragmatism and Schooling,” Philosophy of Education 2013, Cris Mayo, ed., (2013): 403-411.
Deron Boyles, “John Dewey and Mexico: Rural Schooling, ‘Community,’ and the Vitality of Context,” Inter-American Journal of Philosophy 3, no. 2 (December 2012): 98-113.
Leann Logsdon and Deron Boyles, “Reimagining Arts-Centered Inquiry in Schools as Pragmatic Instrumentalism,” Philosophy of Education 2012, Claudia W. Ruitenberg, ed., (2012): 405-413.
Deron Boyles, “Dewey, Ecology, and Education: Historical and Contemporary Debates Over Dewey’s Naturalism and (Transactional) Realism,” Educational Theory 62, no. 2 (2012): 143-161.
Deron Boyles, “The Privatized Public: Antagonism for a Radical Democratic Politics in Schools?” Educational Theory 61, no. 4 (2011): 433-450.
Carolyn Vander Schee and Deron Boyles, “‘Exergaming’ and the Crisis Discourse of Childhood Obesity,” Sport, Education, and Society 15, no. 2 (May 2010): 169-185.
Deron Boyles, “Considering Lorraine Code’s Ecological Thinking and Standpoint Epistemology: A Theory of Knowledge for Agentic Knowing in Schools,” Philosophical Studies in Education 40 (2009): 125-137.
Deron Boyles and Philip Kovacs, “Intellectualism, Infiltration, and the Imaginary: The Challenge of Conservative Think Tanks in Developing Coherent Democratic Community,” Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy 3, no. 1 (Summer, 2006): 49-53.
Deron Boyles, “The Gig is Up: Combating the Meanings of Education Proffered by Science, Technology, and Global Capitalism,” Journal of Thought (Fall, 2006): 45-49.
Deron R. Boyles, “Dewey’s Epistemology: An Argument for Warranted Assertions, Knowing, and Meaningful Classroom Practice,” Educational Theory 56, no. 1 (2006): 57-68.
Deron Boyles, “Politics or Principles?: Joseph Kinmont Hart and The University of Washington, 1910-1915,” Vitae Scholasticae 43, no. 3 (2005): 87-114.
Susan Talburt and Deron Boyles, “Reconsidering Learning Communities: Expanding the Discourse by Challenging the Discourse,” The Journal of General Education 4, no. 54 (2005): 209-236.
Philip E. Kovacs and Deron R. Boyles, “Institutes, Foundations, and Think Tanks: Conservative Influences on U.S. Public Schools,” Public Resistance 1, no. 1 (May 1, 2005): 1-18.
Deron Boyles, “Would You Like Values with That?: The Role of Chick-fil-A™ in Character Education,” JCT: The Journal of Curriculum Theorizing (Summer, 2005): 43-60.
Deron Boyles, “Uncovering the Coverings: The Use of Corporate-Sponsored Textbook Covers in Furthering Uncritical Consumerism,” Educational Studies 37, no. 3 (2005): 255-266.
Deron Boyles, “Taking Care of Business: Advertising, Commercialism, and Implications for Discourse about Schools,” Journal of Thought 39, no. 2 (Summer 2004): 7-16.
Deron Boyles, “A Lesson of Human Connection: 9/11, Film, Brotherhood, and Interpretation,” Philosophical Studies in Education 34 (2003): 87-98.
Deron Boyles, “Grading Willers: Homage Qua Assessment of a Professor of Ideas,” The Sophist’s Bane 1, no. 2 (Spring, 2003): 21-22.
Deron R. Boyles, “Joseph Kinmont Hart and Vanderbilt University: The Rise and Fall of a Department of Education, 1930-1934,” History of Education Quarterly 43, no. 2, (Winter, 2003): 571-609.
Deron Boyles and Doug Davis, “The Challenge to Foundations and Leadership: Critical Discourse, Hegemony, and the Power of Traditions,” Journal of Thought 37, no. 2 (Summer, 2002): 21-31.
Deron R. Boyles, “Commercialism, Epistemology, and Channel One: The Problem of Consumer Materialism, Reliabilism, and an Age of Technophilia,” Philosophical Studies in Education 33 (2002): 115-126.
Deron R. Boyles, “The Exploiting Business,” Educational Foundations (Summer, 2001): 63-75.
Deron R. Boyles, “Students as Knowers: An Argument for Justificatory Social Epistemology by Way of Blind Realism,” Social Epistemology 14, no. 1 (2000): 33-42.
Kathleen Knight Abowitz and Deron R. Boyles, “Private Interests or Public Goods?: Dewey, Rugg, and Their Contemporary Allies on Corporate Involvement in Educational Reform Initiatives,” Philosophy of Education (2000): 131-139.
Lann Wasson and Deron R. Boyles, “Democratic Phenomenon: Emerging Adolescent Programs in Montessori Schools,” Philosophy of Education (1998): 465-472.
Benjamin H. Layne and Deron R. Boyles, “Characteristics of ‘Good’ Teachers,” Research and Reflections 3, no. 2 (December 1997): 17-39.
Deron R. Boyles, “Educational Technology Policy: Questioning Cost and Cultural Capital,” Educational Foundations (Spring, 1997): 83-94.
Deron R. Boyles, “Reliabilism and the Politics of Accountability: The Project of Conceptual Analysis and Epistemology in Interpreting School ‘Success,’” Journal of Philosophy and Social Science 22, no. 1 (1997): 9-18.
Deron R. Boyles, “Sophistry, Dialectic, and Teacher Education: A Reinterpretation of Plato’s Meno,” Philosophy of Education (1996): 102-109.
Deron R. Boyles, “Against the Status Quo: Educational Policy and the Three ‘Ps’ (Positivism, Politics, and Power),” Philosophical Studies in Education (1995): 55-69.
Robert A. Hartline and Deron R. Boyles, “The Tyranny of Standardized Testing,” Journal of Educational Philosophy and History 45 (1995): 91-100.
Deron R. Boyles, “Teacher Coalitions for Role Identity: An Argument for Critical Transitivity,” Philosophical Studies in Education (1994): 137-147.
Deron Robert Boyles, “An Argument for the Deletion of the Word ‘Skills’ from the English Language,” Journal of Thought 28, nos.1&2 (Spring/Summer, 1993): 95-100.
Deron R. Boyles, “Subjectivism Approved: Toward Rosaldo’s Ethnographic View,” Journal of Educational Philosophy and History 1, (1992): 134-136.
Deron R. Boyles, “Mere Professionalism Will Not Suffice: Teachers as Transformative Intellectuals,” Philosophical Studies in Education (1992): 51-57.
Deron Robert Boyles, “Graduate Scholars in Residence: Aiding Academics by Living with Undergraduates,” Journal of Learning About Learning 1, no. 1 (1991): 21-31.
Deron Boyles, “Review of Plato’s Socrates, Philosophy, and Education,” Teachers College Record, 2019.
Deron Boyles, “The Limits of Neuroscience in Education: A Review of Philosophical Reflections on Neuroscience and Education by William H. Kitchen,” Educational Theory 68, no. 6 (2018): 709-716. (Published 2019)
Deron Boyles, “The Arrogance of Assumption in an Education Initiative,” invited editorial Atlanta Journal-Constitution (4 June 2017): A20.
Deron Boyles, “Considering Ignorance through a Study of Studying Ignorance,” History of Education 46, no. 5 (2017): 696-699.
Richard Quantz and Deron Boyles, “Systems Theorizing via Cunningham’s Systems Theory and Education,” Educational Theory 67, no. 1 (2017): 107-115.
Dennis Attick and Deron Boyles, “Montessori, Dewey, and Capitalism: Educational Theory for a Free Market in Education,” Education and Culture 26, no. 1 (2010): 100-104.
Deron R. Boyles, “Review of The Struggle for Control of Public Education: Market Ideology vs. Democratic Values,” Educational Studies, 33, no. 2 (Summer, 2002): 206-210.
Deron Boyles, “State Risks Turning Students into Corporate Culture Drones,” invited editorial, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 27 May 2001, F9.
Deron R. Boyles, “Review of Pathways to Privatization in Education,” Educational Studies 32, no. 2 (Summer 2001): 208-214.
Deron R. Boyles, “Review of Ernest R. House’s Schools for Sale: Why Free Market Policies Won’t Improve America’s Schools, and What Will,” Educational Studies 30, no. 2 (Summer, 1999): 174-178.
Deron R. Boyles, “Review of Tom Burke, Dewey’s New Logic: A Reply to Russell,” Educational Studies 27, no. 2 (Summer 1996): 173-177.