Chavez Phelps
Assistant Professor - School Psychology Counseling and Psychological Services- Education
Ph.D. in School Psychology, Indiana State University, 2011
M.Ed. in School Psychology, Indiana State University, 2007
B.S. in Psychology, University of New Orleans, 2004
- Specializations
Childhood trauma
Social justice and equity in schools
Governmental and professional advocacy
- Biography
Chavez Phelps is a native of New Orleans, Louisiana. He is an assistant professor of school psychology at Georgia State University. His research interests include examining the impact of school-based trauma interventions and strategies. He has conducted several trauma-informed care workshops for school districts and educators.
Before entering academia, Chavez functioned as a school-based practitioner in New Orleans, Louisiana. He also worked with the Louisiana Public Health Institute to ensure youth had access to quality community behavioral health services.
Currently, he serves as a member of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Government and Professional Relations (GPR) Committee.
Ready to take your degree to a higher level? Dr. Phelps is now accepting new doctoral students for the 2025 cohort in school psychology. Want to know more? Contact us!
- Publications
Phelps, C., *Amakye, R., Francios, S., *Schafer, K. (in press). Adapting a school-based trauma intervention to support students: A pilot study. Journal of Trauma Studies in Education.
Heidelburg, K., Phelps, C., & Collins, T. (2022) Reconceptualizing school safety for Black Students. School Psychology International, 1-22. DOI: 10.1177/01430343221074708
Phelps, C., & Sperry, L. L. (2021). An exploration of mothers’ beliefs, expectations, and behaviors regarding young African American children’s early school experiences and success. Journal of Black Psychology, 47(1), 51-80.
Phelps, C., Liner, A., Sperry, L.L., *Austin, Z., & *Amakye, R. (in press). Youth and the impact of COVID-19. In J. L. Matson (Ed.) Handbook of clinical child psychology: Theory to practice. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.
Phelps, C., & Howard-Hamilton, M. (2021). Finding my way “Black”: Resilience building Afrocentric identity theories. In F. A. Bonner II, R.M. Banda, S.L. Smith, & A.F. Marbley (Eds.), Square pegs and round holes: Alternative approaches to diverse college student development theory. Stylus Publishing, LLC.
Balch, T., Oliver, B.M., Phelps, C., & Balch, B. (2021). Building great mental health professional-teacher teams. Solution Tree.
Phelps, C., Savage, T., & *Amakye, R. (revise and resubmit). Addressing violence toward LGBTQ+ youth: A conceptual view of the PREPaRE framework. Research and Practice in Schools.
Bingham, G., & Phelps, C. (under review). Examining preschool to first grade outcomes of Black children experiencing a high-quality early childhood program. The Elementary School Journal.
Phelps, C., Francois, S., Hucke, K., & *Kidwell, K. (under review). Trauma-informed African American youth summer community arts curriculum: An evaluation of pilot implementation. Journal of Youth Development.