Caroline C. Sullivan
Clinical Professor - Director of Initial Teacher Preparation Middle and Secondary Education- Education
Doctor of Philosophy, 2007, The University of Texas at Austin
Master of Arts in Education, 2001, The University of Texas at Austin
Bachelor of Arts, 1993, The University of Texas at Austin
Bachelor of Science, 1993, Speech Communication, The University of Texas at Austin
Texas Secondary Lifetime Teaching Certificate: Spanish & Speech Communication, The University of Texas at San Antonio, 1996
- Specializations
Teacher education
Middle level education
Social studies education
- Biography
Caroline C. Sullivan is a clinical professor in the College of Education & Human Development’s Department of Middle and Secondary Education at Georgia State University.
Through teaching, research and service, she addresses the crux of educational theory and praxis across a variety of settings in teacher preparation and development, secondary classrooms and community organizations.
Sullivan serves as the director of two large programs: Initial Teacher Preparation for all students in MSE and the Doctorate of Education in Curriculum and Instruction for the college. She is the chair of the Professional Education Faculty for 2021-2022, a faculty group that spans the CEHD, College of the Arts and College of Arts & Sciences. These appointments demand that the principles of justice and equity, as well as educational research, support innovative curriculum and pedagogy.
She advocates for student success by designing and supporting equitable and rigorous learning environments as an affiliate faculty member of the Honors College and the minor in Urban Education as well as in local (such as the Georgia Department of Education/Atlanta Community Food Bank) and international (Johannesburg, South Africa/Kingston, Jamaica) educational communities.
Accolades include the Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award, 2014, College of Education & Human Development, Georgia State University; Teacher of the Year, 2002; Best Paper, Research in Social Studies Education, Special Interest Group, American Educational Research Association, 2011; former chair of the College and University Faculty Assembly with the National Council of the Social Studies.
Sullivan earned her doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction in 2007 from The University of Texas at Austin.
- Publications
Bhatnagar, Ruchi; Tanguay, Carla L.; Sullivan, Caroline C.; and Many, Joyce E. (2021). “Observation of field performance rubric: Establishing content validity and reliability.” Georgia Educational Researcher (18)2.
Blankenship, W., Reidel, M., Sullivan, C.C. (2016). “Teaching social studies to these students in this place.” In A. Crowe and A. Cuenca (Eds.). Rethinking social studies teacher education for twenty-first century citizenship (pp. 41-57). New York: Springer.
Sullivan, C.C., Schewe, A., Juckett, E.M., Stevens, H. (2015). “Strategically organic: One U.S. history teachers’ experience with class discussion.” Social Studies Research and Practice, 10(2).
DeWitt, S., Patterson, N., Blankenship, W., Blevins, B., DiCamillo, Gerwin, D., L., Gradwell, J., Gunn, J., Maddox, L., Salinas, C. Saye, J., Stoddard, J., Sullivan, C.C. (2013). “The lower-order expectations of high stakes tests: A six-state analysis.” Theory and Research in Social Education, 41:3, 382-427.
Saye, J. W., Blevins, B., Blankenship, W., Chandler, P., Cude, M., DiCamillo, L., Sullivan, C.C., Wilson, E. K. (2013). “Authentic pedagogy in social studies classrooms and its relationship to student performance on state-mandated tests.” Theory and Research in Social Education, 41:1, 89-132.
Salinas, C., Blevins, B. Sullivan, C.C. (2012). “Critical notions of historical thinking: When official narratives collide with Other narratives.” Multicultural Perspectives, 14(1).
Sullivan, C.C. (2011). “Modeling the model: The use of classroom talk in teaching socioconstructivist pedagogy in a university setting.” Journal of Classroom Interaction, 46(2).
Salinas, C., Sullivan, C.C., Wacker, T. (2008). “Curriculum considerations for late-arrival high school immigrant students: Developing a critically conscious World Geography Studies approach to citizenship education.” Journal of Border Educational Research, 6(2).
Salinas, C. & Sullivan, C.C. (2007). “Latina/o preservice teachers and historical positionality: Challenging the construction of the official school knowledge.” Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 4(1).