Carla Tanguay
Assistant Dean for Educator Preparation and Accreditation, Clinical Associate Professor Dean's Office- Education
Ph.D., Teaching and Learning, Teaching and Teacher Education, Georgia State University, 2018
Ed.S., Early Childhood Education, Georgia State University, 2006
M.A., Early Childhood Education, Oglethorpe University, 1991
B.A., Early Childhood and Elementary Education, Furman University, 1985
- Specializations
Teacher education
School partnerships
Instructional supervision
Teacher support and coaching
Teacher performance assessment
Accreditation and program evaluation
- Biography
Carla Tanguay, Ph.D., is a clinical associate professor and the assistant dean for educator preparation and accreditation in the College of Education & Human Development at Georgia State. Since joining the university in 2007, Tanguay served as program coordinator for 12 years for the bachelor of science in education in elementary education with concentrations in ESOL and special education. Additionally, she served as a member of the Georgia edTPA Policy & Implementation Advisory Committee supporting Georgia with edTPA implementation and support from 2013-2020.
Tanguay collaborates with faculty, university supervisors and P-12 partners to develop and sustain strong program models. In her current role, she supports initial teacher preparation programs in the areas of teacher development, assessment, clinical practice, induction and urban education. Preparing candidates to teach all learners, she works with local school advisory boards, the Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability and Reform (CEEDAR) and serves as the co-chair for the P-20 Metro-Atlanta Collaborative.
Tanguay has served as chair of the Assessment and Accreditation Committee, reviewing unit-level data annually and implementing a continuous improvement cycle. For SACS accreditation purposes, she also reviews the university core and academic programs. Tanguay is a university senator serving on the Academic Programs Committee and Assessment Sub-Committee. She is chair-elect of the Accreditation, Assessment and Program Evaluation in Educator Preparation Special Interest Group with the American Educational Research Association.
Tanguay is co-PI for “Preparing, Supporting and Retaining Elementary Mathematics Specialists (PSREMS),” an NSF funded project. Complementing this work, she serves as the teacher support and coaching endorsement program coordinator preparing teacher leaders. Her scholarly interests include teacher development, induction, retention, assessment, program evaluation and educational policy.
- Publications
International and National Refereed Articles
Tanguay, C. L. (2020). “High-stakes assessment in elementary education teacher preparation: Educators’ perceptions and actions resulting in curriculum change.” Education Policy Analysis Archives, 28(53).
Many, J. E., Bhatnagar, R., Tanguay, C., Favors-Welch, S., Thomas, C., Cannon, S., … Wilson, J. (2019). “State-wide implementation of edTPA in preparation for high-stakes testing: A mixed-methods study of the concerns of edTPA coordinators.” Education Policy Analysis Archives, 27 (122), 1-26.
Tanguay, C. L., Bhatnagar, R., Stevens Barker, K., & Many, J. E. (2018). “AAA + professional development for teacher educators who prepare culturally and linguistically responsive teachers.” Curriculum Teaching and Dialogue, 20(1 & 2), 87-104.
Ogletree, T. W., Kim, J., Bhatnagar, R., Many, J. E., & Tanguay, C. (2018). “Push-pull relationships between concerns and personal engagement: Exploring the adoption of edTPA as an innovation.” American Journal of Educational Research, 6(7), 902-908.
Bhatnagar, R., Many, J. E., Barker, K., Ball, M. Kim, J., & Tanguay, C. (2016). “Are we making our social justice framework salient? Candidates’ perceptions of urban teacher preparation program effectiveness.” National Teacher Education Journal, 9(2), 27-41.
Dangel, J., & Tanguay, C. (2014). “Don’t leave me out there alone: A practical guide for supporting supervisors.” Action in Teacher Education, 36 (1), 3-19.
Book Chapters
Tanguay, C. L., Many, J. E., Ariail, M., Bhatnagar, R., & Emerson, J. (2019). “An organic model for edTPA exploration and implementation.” In K. K. Winter, H. H. Pinter, & K. Watson (Eds.). Performance-Based Assessment in 21st Century Teacher Education (pp. 42-80). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-8353-0
Tanguay, C. (2017). “The evolution of teacher performance assessments as a measure of accountability.” In J. Many and R. Bhatnagar (Eds.), Implementing and analyzing performance assessments in teacher education (pp. 1-37). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Cross, S. B., Tanguay, C., Williams, M. J., & Hale, J. J. (2017). “The new teacher residency project: Explicating the relationship between professional capital and a hybrid third space.” In R. Flessner & D. R. Lecklider (Eds.), Case studies of clinical preparation in teacher education. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education.
Fisher, T., Tanguay, C., Lynch, H., Fernandez Williams, R., Saxton, R., & Dangel, J. (2017). “Striving for critically responsive teacher preparation: Remaining relevant by shaping programs to reflect who and where we teach.” In R. Flessner & D. Lecklider (Eds.),The power of clinical preparation in teacher education. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education.