Are you interested in joining the Beginning Principals Academy, Seminar for Assistant Principals, Instructional Coaches Collaborative, Aspiring Leaders Institute for teacher leaders, or Aspiring Principals Institute? Registration is now open for the 2024-2025 sessions. To register, fill out our form or email [email protected]
- Click each tab to view our Cohort Series
- Aspiring Leaders Institute for Teacher Leaders
- Aspiring Principals Institute
- Beginning Principals Academy, Year 1
- Beginning Principals Academy, Year 2
- Dare To Lead™
- Instructional Coaches Collaborative
- Instructional Coaches Collaborative: The Journey Continues
- Seminar for Assistant Principals
- Cohort Testimonials
Program Overview
The goal of the Aspiring Leaders Institute is to prepare participants to take on a higher leadership role and to provide them with the tools, frameworks and leadership skills to build and sustain high-quality teaching and learning environments.
This Institute is designed for school leaders who anticipate a position as an assistant principal over the next few years. The Professional Standards for Educational Leaders and the Georgia Department of Education Leadership Standards will be used as the foundation for all learning experiences. All of the sessions for the year will include content development, interactive discussions and resources.
Participant Outcomes
Participants will study and discuss how school culture, change, conflict, communication and community involvement are factors that impact schools’ ability to increase student achievement. With these topics as the broad framework, program objectives are as follows:
- Develop a personal leadership position with a vision for success
- Focus on improving instruction through effective teacher supervision and evaluation
- Learn how to monitor curriculum, instruction and assessment alignment
- Learn the processes involved in school improvement planning
- Learn how to create a school culture that will support learning for all students
- Learn research-based leadership strategies for improving student achievement
- Learn how to resolve/mediate/manage conflict
- Understand how change and conflict can impact the school’s learning environment
- Develop knowledge and skills for better communication
- Study other issues and topics of importance to aspiring leaders
Principals Center Partner: $1,670
Non-Partner: $1,975
*The cohort series registration fee covers tuition for all seminar sessions and all instructional materials.
Location and Time
Georgia State University
College of Education and Human Development
30 Pryor ST. SW
Atlanta, GA 30303
Cohort Dates
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Saturday, November 16, 2024
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Saturday, April 26, 2025
To register, please complete the form.
For more information about payment details, please email our Associate Director, Rebecca Graham at [email protected]
Program Overview
The goal of the Aspiring Principals Institute is to build the capacity of assistant principals as they prepare to assume the role of principal within the next one to three years. This Institute will provide these lead learners with the tools, frameworks and leadership skills to build and sustain high-quality teaching and learning environments to enhance student learning and create success for their schools and for themselves. Through a research-based curriculum, participants will experience multiple approaches to solving leadership challenges, supporting teaching and learning in the classroom, and leading and managing their schools more effectively. The Professional Standards for Educational Leaders and the Georgia Department of Education Leadership Standards will be used as the foundation for all learning experiences.
Participant Outcomes
Participants will study and discuss how instructional leadership, school culture, change, conflict, communication and community involvement are factors that impact schools’ ability to increase student achievement. With these topics as the broad framework, program objectives are as follows:
- Ability to understand how school culture, change, conflict, communication and community involvement are factors that impact schools’ ability to increase student achievement.
- Ability to create a school culture that fosters student and teacher learning
- Understand and monitor curriculum alignment and development
- Ability to build a team-based, results-oriented organizational structure
- Ability to apply research and best practices in developing school improvement efforts focused on increasing student and teacher learning
- Ability to analyze school equity practices and enact results.
- Ability to lead and manage needed and effective change
- Ability to develop a culture of collaborative working relationships with faculty, parents, students and community stakeholders
- Ability to support and develop teachers through effective supervision and evaluation
- Ability to manage school operations effectively and efficiently in order to create a positive learning environment
- Understand change management
- Ability to manage manage conflict
- Understand how to develop effective communication strategies with all constituents
- Understand and study other issues and topics of importance and/or urgent need
- Understanding of what should be included in an API portfolio based on LKES and PSEL standards
- Understanding of the application, preparation, and interview process for becoming a principal
Principals Center Partner: $1,670
Non-Partner: $1,975
*The cohort series registration fee covers tuition for all seminar sessions and all instructional materials.
Location and Time
Georgia State University
College of Education and Human Development
30 Pryor ST. SW
Atlanta, GA 30303
Cohort Dates
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Saturday, November 16, 2024
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Saturday, April 26, 2025
To register, please complete the form.
For more information about payment details, please email our Associate Director, Rebecca Graham at [email protected]
Program Overview
The purpose of the Beginning Principals Academy is to build new principals’ capacity to enhance student learning and create success for their schools and for themselves.
The Beginning Principals Academy will help participants identify their areas of focus, establish priorities and develop their plans in alignment with Georgia’s Systems of Continuous Improvement, including Teacher and Leader Effectiveness and the Georgia Standards for Excellence.
Through a research-based curriculum, participants will experience multiple approaches to solving leadership challenges, supporting teaching and learning in the classroom, and leading and managing their schools more effectively.
Please note: Our Year 1 Beginning Principals Academy cohort is designed to support the leadership development of first through fifth year principals. Our Year 2 Beginning Principals Academy cohort is designed to support the continued leadership development of first through fifth year principals who were apart of the Academy during the 2023 -2024 academic year.
Participant Outcomes
Objectives include:
- Create a school culture that fosters student and teacher learning
- Understand and monitor curriculum alignment and development
- Build a team-based, results-oriented organizational structure
- Apply research and best practices in developing school improvement efforts focused on increasing student and teacher learning
- Analyze school equity practices
- Lead and manage needed and effective change
- Develop a culture of collaborative working relationships with faculty, parents, students and community stakeholders
- Support and develop teachers through effective supervision and evaluation
- Manage school operations effectively and efficiently in order to create a positive learning environment
- Understand and manage conflict
- Understand how to develop effective communication strategies with all constituents
- Study other issues and topics of importance and/or urgent need
Principals Center Partner: $2,430
Non-Partner: $2,885
*The cohort series registration fee covers tuition for all seminar sessions and all instructional materials.
Location and Time
Georgia State University
College of Education and Human Development
30 Pryor ST. SW
Atlanta, GA 30303
Cohort Dates
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Wednesday, April 2, 2025
To register, please complete the form.
For more information about payment details, please email our Associate Director, Rebecca Graham at [email protected]
Program Overview
The purpose of the Beginning Principals Academy is to build new principals’ capacity to enhance student learning and create success for their schools and for themselves.
The Beginning Principals Academy will help participants identify their areas of focus, establish priorities and develop their plans in alignment with Georgia’s Systems of Continuous Improvement, including Teacher and Leader Effectiveness and the Georgia Standards for Excellence.
Through a research-based curriculum, participants will experience multiple approaches to solving leadership challenges, supporting teaching and learning in the classroom, and leading and managing their schools more effectively.
Please note: Our Year 1 Beginning Principals Academy cohort is designed to support the leadership development of first through fifth year principals. Our Year 2 Beginning Principals Academy cohort is designed to support the continued leadership development of first through fifth year principals who were apart of the Academy during the 2023 -2024 academic year.
Participant Outcomes
Objectives include:
- Create a school culture that fosters student and teacher learning
- Understand and monitor curriculum alignment and development
- Build a team-based, results-oriented organizational structure
- Apply research and best practices in developing school improvement efforts focused on increasing student and teacher learning
- Analyze school equity practices
- Lead and manage needed and effective change
- Develop a culture of collaborative working relationships with faculty, parents, students and community stakeholders
- Support and develop teachers through effective supervision and evaluation
- Manage school operations effectively and efficiently in order to create a positive learning environment
- Understand and manage conflict
- Understand how to develop effective communication strategies with all constituents
- Study other issues and topics of importance and/or urgent need
Principals Center Partner: $2,430
Non-Partner: $2,885
*The cohort series registration fee covers tuition for all seminar sessions and all instructional materials.
Location and Time
Georgia State University
College of Education and Human Development
30 Pryor ST. SW
Atlanta, GA 30303
Cohort Dates
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Thursday, October 3, 2024
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Thursday. February 6, 2025
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Thursday, April 3, 2025
To register, please complete the form.
For more information about payment details, please email our Associate Director, Rebecca Graham at [email protected]
Dare To Lead™ Experience for School Leaders hosted by the Principals Center
Culture matters, and creating the conditions for success is the most important thing a leader does. The Dare To Lead™ program is based on the research of Dr. Brene’ Brown and is a culmination of a seven year study of courage and leadership. It is an empirically based courage building program for education leaders and teams. The most significant finding from the research is that courage is a collection of four skill sets that are teachable, measurable, and observable. There is no innovation and change without vulnerability. We will rumble with vulnerability. You can’t hold each other accountable without clearly defined values and behaviors aligned to them. We will learn to live into our values. Trust is a fundamental precondition in tackling challenges and opportunities. We will learn how to BRAVE trust. If school leaders are to be brave and courageous they will make mistakes and, in some cases, fail. We will learn how to rise. The Dare To Lead™ program will provide participants with the skill sets to create brave and courageous leadership practices and cultures.
The four skill sets of daring leadership are:
Rumbling With Vulnerability
Living Into Our Values
Learning To Rise
$500/leader (Partner rate)
$550/leader (Non-partner rate)
Location & Time
Via ZOOM from 9am – 11:30am
Meeting Dates
E-mail [email protected] for registration questions.
Cohort Facilitator
Kelly Peaks Horner, MA, Ed, Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator, Executive Coach
Program Overview
The Instructional Coaches Collaborative is a learning forum for instructional coaches to strengthen their work while learning with their peers. In supportive, safe and reflective dialogues with the facilitator and the participants, instructional coaches will understand their critical role as leaders of change. The facilitator will be an experienced educational leader who has a proven track record in instructional leadership.
The collaborative is a one-year cohort program that involves:
- Eight monthly all-day seminars hosted at Georgia State University
- Interactive learning sessions that model the coach/teacher relationship that fosters instructional improvement and student academic achievement
- Support from leading experts in coaching – including Jim Knight, Elena Aguilar, Stephen Barkley and Diane Sweeney – and research from leading coaching organizations
- Topics include essential skills of coaches, principal-coach partnerships, effective feedback, building coaching relationships, scheduling, observation tools and holding difficult conversations
Participant Outcomes
Upon completion, participants will be able to:
- Articulate the value of coaching in instructional development
- Demonstrate what coaching looks like in schools and how to use it most effectively
- Develop a partnership/relationship with those they coach
- Be effective in creating learning conversations
- Know where to start with behavior (classroom management), content, instruction and formative assessments
- Build upon reflection and personal evaluation
Principals Center Partner: $2,430
Non-Partner: $2,885
*The cohort series registration fee covers tuition for all seminar sessions and all instructional materials.
Location and Time
Georgia State University
College of Education and Human Development
30 Pryor ST. SW
Atlanta, GA 30303
Cohort Dates
FY25 Dates to Be Announced Soon
To register, please complete the form.
For more information about payment details, please email our Associate Director, Rebecca Graham at [email protected]
Program Overview
The Instructional Coaches Collaborative, The Journey Continues is a learning forum for instructional coaches to continue strengthening their work while learning with their peers. This cohort is for coaches who have already participated in a year of our Instructional Coaches Collaborative. The experience extends the learning. In supportive, safe and reflective dialogues with the facilitator and the participants, instructional coaches will understand their critical role as leaders of change. The facilitator is an experienced educational leader who has a proven track record in instructional leadership.
The collaborative is a one-year cohort program that involves:
- Interactive learning sessions that model the coach/teacher relationship that fosters instructional improvement and student academic achievement
- Support from leading experts in coaching – including Jim Knight, Elena Aguilar, Stephen Barkley and Diane Sweeney – and research from leading coaching organizations
- Topics include essential skills of coaches, principal-coach partnerships, effective feedback, building coaching relationships, scheduling, observation tools and holding difficult conversations.
Participant Outcomes
Upon completion, participants will be able to:
- Articulate the value of coaching in instructional development
- Demonstrate what coaching looks like in schools and how to use it most effectively
- Develop a partnership/relationship with those they coach
- Be effective in creating learning conversations
- Know where to start with behavior (classroom management), content, instruction and formative assessments
- Build upon reflection and personal evaluation
Principals Center Partner: $2,430
Non-Partner: $2,885
*The cohort series registration fee covers tuition for all seminar sessions and all instructional materials.
Location and Time
Georgia State University
College of Education and Human Development
30 Pryor ST. SW
Atlanta, GA 30303
Cohort Dates
FY25 Dates to Be Announced Soon
To register, please complete the form.
For more information about payment details, please email our Associate Director, Rebecca Graham at [email protected]
Program Overview
K-12 assistant principals must have the skills to be an instructional and curricular leader who can juggle the many demands that come their way.
K-12 assistant principals must have the skills to be an instructional and curricular leader who can juggle the many demands that come their way. The Seminar for Assistant Principals supports these leaders, helps them build their capacity to enhance student learning, and shows them how to create successful schools in a leadership role alongside the principal.
The seminar will help participants identify their areas of focus, establish priorities and develop their plans for growth and greater success, incorporating Georgia Leader, School and Teacher Keys and the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards.
Through a research-based curriculum, participants will focus on using multiple approaches to solving leadership challenges, supporting teaching and learning in the classroom, and leading and managing their schools more effectively.
Participant Outcomes
Objectives for the Seminar for Assistant Principals include:
- Identify the components of a positive school culture and determine the strategies to build and maintain a positive learning environment for students and teachers
- Create a team-based, result-oriented organizational structure to foster professional learning communities and student and teacher growth
- Use multiple measures of data to monitor school improvement
- Understand and monitor the alignment of curriculum, instruction and assessment
- Apply research and best practices in developing school improvement efforts focused on increasing student and teacher learning
- Understand and identify barriers and boosters of effective change
- Develop collaborative working relationships with faculty, parents, students and community stakeholders
- Support teachers through effective observation, supervision and evaluation
- Manage school operations effectively and efficiently in order to create a positive learning environment
- Identify and use problem-solving methods to resolve common problems
Principals Center Partner: $2,430
Non-Partner: $2,885
*The cohort series registration fee covers tuition for all seminar sessions and all instructional materials.
Location and Time
Georgia State University
College of Education and Human Development
30 Pryor ST. SW
Atlanta, GA 30303
Cohort Dates
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Wednesday, October 23 , 2024
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Thursday, March 27, 2025
Wednesday, April 2, 2025
To register, please complete the form.
For more information about payment details, please email our Associate Director, Rebecca Graham at [email protected]
Beginning Principals Academy Cohort for First Year Principals
“The program for new educational leaders at Georgia State’s Beginning Principals Center was inspiring and provided a wealth of knowledge into leading schools. The program explored who we are as individuals and how that impacts our role as educational leaders. The strategies and skills I learned this past year I know will help me with enhancing student learning and creating success for my school. Dr. Brown is an awesome leader, teacher and mentor. She truly cares about building leadership capacity in new principals. I am honored to have been a part of the Beginning Principals Academy cohort.” – Patrice Graham, Rockdale County Public Schools
“I attended the Beginning Principals Academy to enhance my leadership skills. The experience was powerful and full of research-based strategies necessary to impact student learning and create success at the school level. Drs. Brown and Cowan treated me with the utmost respect and took a personal interest to ensure I received the most out of the program. I left the program more confident, competent and effective as an educational leader.”
– Donna Solomon, Ware County
Seminar for Assistant Principals Cohort
“This has been one of the best cohorts I’ve experienced. From the size of the class, the diversity of the types of leaders, to the humbleness, flexibility and knowledge of the instructor. I’ve really enjoyed this experience and would love to be a part of it next year.” – Antwayne Sanders, Fulton County Schools (Special Note: Mr. Sanders is now serving as a principal in Fulton County Schools)
“I am Dr. Gregory Gardner and I currently serve as an assistant principal at Carver Road Middle School in Griffin, Ga. Our school has been a model school for two years, so I went into the Assistant Principals cohort at the Principals Center knowing that I had a lot to offer, but I also wanted to see how things were done at other schools. I knew that I would gain an experience that would be beneficial, but I had no idea of the extent I would grow as a leader. Our class was an open forum. We discussed trends, issues as a collective unit, issues we had individually, and my classmates and I were able to work together to find solutions. Our instructor was always a listener first, and she asked us prompting questions that made us think through our problems. The most beneficial aspect of the class was the opportunity to work with others outside of my district and to work through real issues that existed in our schools. I always left class feeling energized, emailing my principal numerous times during class. I can recall my principal saying, ‘Hey, save all of that information for tomorrow. You’re flooding my email!’ I was always excited on the days when I knew I would be traveling up to the Principal’s Center for class. My experience there was priceless. I encourage all leaders to join the cohort, be in the moment and work to become masters of the craft. I know that I am a better leader because of the time I spent going through this class.” – Gregory Gardner, Ed.D., Griffin-Spalding County School System (Special Note: Dr. Gardner is now serving as a principal in the Griffin-Spalding County School System)
Instructional Coaches Collaborative Cohort
“This program helped me tremendously in my coaching role. The 2016-2017 school year was my first time serving as an instructional coach at my school, and I was unsure of what this new role entailed. From our first class, I knew this was the place to help me navigate this new course. I love Dr. Brown because she provided real-world applications to help us understand how to be effective coaches and help our teachers improve in all areas. I also learned a great deal of information from the other coaches who attended this session because they were able to share some of their school strategies that worked. I cannot wait to attend another cohort session in the fall to continue my growth.”
– Gloria Bruce, private school
“The Instructional Coaches Collaborative cohort was an invaluable resource! As a first year coach, participating in the cohort allowed me to gather information from experienced coaches, as well as learn best practices from Dr. Brown and other experts in the field. Not only did this course help me complete my duties with efficiency, it also provided me with a deeper knowledge of the effect that my role can have on my school, as well as my district. I look forward to continuing with the next cohort, and I would highly recommend this course to any coach that desires to improve their performance as well as increase their understanding of the vital role they play within their school.” – Adria E. Luster, Ph.D., Atlanta Public Schools
Led by visionary thinkers through presentations and group discussions, the series is designed to inspire principals and others, to leadership that will create schools where all children can achieve.
Expert Leaders Session with the Lucy Leadership Project
Co Founders, Kelly Peaks Horner and Dr. Kendra Washington-Bass
Women’s Leadership Well-being Matters!
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
9am – 3:30pm
Location: TBA
The Lucy Leadership Project (LLP) is excited to partner with the Georgia State Principals Center as part of their Expert Leader Series. At LLP, we believe that leadership is the best way to improve and transform schools, and our vision is to increase the pathway and access to leadership opportunities for women and women of color. To support the development of women in leadership, it is essential to address and support the well-being of women leaders so that they can thrive in the workplace.
The primary aim of the full-day session is to delve into the unique stories, challenges, and successes of women in leadership positions, while uncovering the profound impact of well-being on their professional journey—whether it leads to suffering, survival, or thriving in the workplace. The session will align with the 5 elements of well-being identified by Gallup: purpose/career, physical, financial, community, and social.
Early Bird Registration until 2/29/24:
$250 Partner Rate
$280 Non-Partner Rate
Regular Registration begins 3/1/24:
$300 Partner Rate
$330 Non-Partner Rate
Click here to register
Sessions are open to all but are specially designed for central office leaders, principals, assistant principals, instructional coaches or teacher leaders. Teams from the same school are invited and encouraged to attend.
Early Bird | Regular | |
Principals Center Partner | $110 | $125 |
For partners only, each fifth person is FREE (from the same school). | ||
Non-Partner | $135 | $150 |
* Partners may be individuals, schools, associations or collection of schools, or school systems. Contact the Center, your principal or your system’s professional development office to ascertain whether you are a partner or not. |
*The Virtual Expert Leader Experience registration fee is for a professional development session from 9am – 1pm EST. This does not include the cost of the book. Details will be provided for registered participants to make the required book purchase upon registration.*
Register Online for the Expert Leader Series
To become a partner of the Principals Center contact Dionne Cowan at 404-413-8257 or email her at [email protected].
Early Bird | Regular | |
Principals Center Partner | $220 | $250 |
For partners only, each fifth person is FREE (from the same school). | ||
Non-Partner | $270 | $300 |
* Partners may be individuals, schools, associations or collection of schools, or school systems. Contact the Center, your principal or your system’s professional development office to ascertain whether you are a partner or not. |
*The Expert Leader Series registration fee (one-day event from 9:00 a.m. — 3:30 p.m.) includes continental breakfast and lunch per participant.
Register Online for the Expert Leader Series
To become a partner of the Principals Center contact Dionne Cowan at 404-413-8257 or email her at [email protected].
Paul Bambrick-Santoyo — Leverage Leadership 2.0:Get Better Faster
Gallup Strength Finder Session — What makes an outstanding principal. If you are a central office leader, principal, assistant principals, instructional coach or teacher leader this session is of interest to you. Teams from the same school are invited and encouraged to attend.
Shaun Harper — “Cashing the Check on Educational Equity in 2016” — This session was of interest to central office leaders, principals, assistant principals, instructional coaches or teacher leaders.
Heidi Hayes Jacobs — “Bold Moves: Leading a Right Now School for the Contemporary Learner” — How can we make the transition from “old school” to contemporary learning environments? Simply having technologies does not guarantee modern, relevant, and rigorous teaching and learning. If we want digitally literate, media savvy, and globally connected learners, then we need the same in our teachers and in leadership. The assessment dilemma facing educators will be a key focus of Heidi Hayes Jacobs’ presentation, as she will raise the possibility of accountability for innovation in combination with more effective methods for assessing foundational skills. Heidi will provoke our thinking and share examples of innovative 21st-century programs and practices in action from around the world.
Jim Knight — “Focus on Teaching — Using Video for High-Impact Instruction” — In Focus on Teaching, the book and workshop, Jim Knight turns the vast and disruptive potential of video recording to reach new levels of excellence in schools.
Regina Owens-— PLC Principles:Designing Systems and Developing Culture. Examines systems, structures, processes, and procedures through the lens of learning and impact on instructional culture. Learn design tools and strategies to ensure high achievement outcomes for educators and learners by creating more efficient and effective learning systems.
Eric Sheninger — “Digital Leadership” — Digital Leadership is a focused guide to using the many new channels of modern communication to engage families, tell your school’s story, inspire staff growth and connection and bring new relevance to the classroom.
Time for Change: Four Essential Skills of Transformational School and District Leaders
Session Date: Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Presenter: Dr. Anthony Muhammad
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
DeKalb County Board of Education
1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard
Stone Mountain, GA 30083
Session Overview:
This session will address the behaviors of highly impactful leaders and their positive effect on school culture. Understanding the art and science of human motivation is essential to becoming and effective leader. We will practice four essential leadership skills as outlined in the book Time for Change: 4 Essential Skills for Transformational School and District Leaders (2019) written by Luis Cruz and Anthony Muhammad. Those skills are Communication; Building Trust; Capacity Building; and Accountability. Participants will practice these skills while solving real-life school dilemmas.
- Understand the difference between “technical” and “cultural” change
- Understand the history of school reform and the omission of school culture
- Learn the balance between support and accountability
- Understand the difference between Rational and Irrational resistance
- Reflect on personal leadership strengths and challenges
Expert Leader Session with Doug Lemov
Session Date: Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Presenter: Doug Lemov
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
J. Alvin Wilbanks Instructional Support Center
Gwinnett County Public Schools
437 Old Peachtree Rd NW
Suwanee, Georgia 30024
Session Overview
This Expert Leader Session affords leaders the opportunity to learn from a national thought leader on improving teaching and learning with an emphasis on the leader and teacher moves that positively impact student performance.
We recommend that you attend with a member of your school leadership team, so that you can engage in the practices together.
The “Techniques and Principles for Remote Learning”
Session Date: Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Presenter: Doug Lemov
Time: 1:00 PM- 2:30 PM via ZOOM
Session Overview:
Our goal in designing this experience is to:
- share valuable techniques teachers can use;
- study video of teachers applying them in real-world conditions;
- demonstrate the techniques we’re talking about so participants can “live the learning” and feel what it’s like to be a student.
Topics we will discuss:
- balancing synchronous and asynchronous instructional methods
- including ‘pause points’ to allow students to interact and engage in content–in both forms of learning–and to ensure healthy accountability
- using procedures and routines to build efficiency and to help students succeed
- dissolving the screen to make students feel more connected
Lead Learners will be asked to write, discuss, comment and reflect alongside Doug Lemov and the Teach Like A Champion Team and peers from across the State. Please be aware that this will be an interactive session for all participants. We will ask you to be visible on your cameras and to participate by discussing with colleagues and sharing responses (sometimes in writing) to videos and reflection questions. We hope to do this in part so that educators can experience what it’s like to participate in online learning as students. If you would prefer not to do those things we fully understand, but ask that you not register for this Expert Leader Experience if you’re unable to engage in this fashion.
The “Techniques and Principles for Remote Learning”
Session Date: Thursday, August 13, 2020
Presenter: Doug Lemov
Time: 1:00 PM- 2:30 PM via ZOOM
Session Overview:
Our goal in designing this experience is to:
- share valuable techniques teachers can use;
- study video of teachers applying them in real-world conditions;
- demonstrate the techniques we’re talking about so participants can “live the learning” and feel what it’s like to be a student.
Topics we will discuss:
- balancing synchronous and asynchronous instructional methods
- including ‘pause points’ to allow students to interact and engage in content–in both forms of learning–and to ensure healthy accountability
- using procedures and routines to build efficiency and to help students succeed
- dissolving the screen to make students feel more connected
Lead Learners will be asked to write, discuss, comment and reflect alongside Doug Lemov and the Teach Like A Champion Team and peers from across the State. Please be aware that this will be an interactive session for all participants. We will ask you to be visible on your cameras and to participate by discussing with colleagues and sharing responses (sometimes in writing) to videos and reflection questions. We hope to do this in part so that educators can experience what it’s like to participate in online learning as students. If you would prefer not to do those things we fully understand, but ask that you not register for this Expert Leader Experience if you’re unable to engage in this fashion.
Expert Leader Virtual Experience with Dr. Doug Fisher
Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Time: 9am – 1pm EST
Location: ZOOM link will be provided to registered participants
*A copy of the ebook will be provided*
Session Overview:
The beginning of the 2020-2021 school year is a return to learning like none we have witnessed before. We were in a state of “crisis teaching” this past spring, and now we are utilizing distance learning as a component (rather fully or in hybrid models) to engage students in teaching and learning. Ultimately, we are learning about what works and what doesn’t in real time. The purpose of this Expert Leader Virtual Experience is to engage leaders with the latest in effective practice in virtual spaces by extending the foundational work established in the Distance Learning Playbook.
Harnessing the insights and experience of renowned educators Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Hattie, Dr. Fisher will share the applied wisdom and evidence of VISIBLE LEARNING® as recorded in the Distance Learning Playbook.
Expert Leader Virtual Experience with Dr. Doug Fisher: The Distance Learning Playbook for Teacher Leaders
Date: Monday, November 9, 2020
Time: 9am – 1pm EST
Location: ZOOM link will be provided to registered participants
*A copy of the ebook will be provided unless you opt to purchase physical copy on your own*
Session Overview:
Distance Learning Playbook
The return to schooling for the 2020-21 school year is proving to be unlike any other we have witnessed. The crisis teaching of spring 2020 is behind us and now we are utilizing distance learning, whether fully or in hybrid models, to get on with schooling. The field is learning about what works and what doesn’t at breakneck speed. The purpose of this institute is to bring forward the latest in effective practice in virtual spaces by extending the foundational work established in the Distance Learning Playbook. Each segment of this institute is driven by a major question:
Learning Intentions:
- I am learning about instructional and relational practices used in distance learning to promote engagement and student learning.
- I am learning to consider questions and responses related to equity in distance learning.
- I am learning about how to better support families and improve communication with them during distance learning.
- I am learning about the role of clarity in synchronous and asynchronous lessons.
- I am learning about building collective teacher efficacy through PLC+ meetings, coaching and leadership.
- I am learning about my impact in virtual environments.
Success Criteria:
- I can strengthen teaching competence in the eyes of students and families.
- I can advocate for and bring forward solutions to address inequities caused by distance learning.
- I can partner with families in new ways such that their strengths are leverages and their needs are better addressed.
- I can design learning experiences that maximize impact.
- I can lead from a distance as a teacher, instructional coach, or school leader.
Expert Leader Virtual Experience with Dr. Doug Fisher: The Distance Learning Playbook for School Leaders
Date: Thursday, December 10, 2020
Time: 8:45am – 12:45pm EST
Location: ZOOM link will be provided to registered participants
*A copy of the ebook will be provided unless you opt to purchase physical copy on your own*
Session Overview:
“Effective school leadership is effective leadership, regardless of where it occurs
Leading Learning from a Distance
School leaders face an unprecedented challenge – and an opportunity – to lead instruction from a distance and/or in a hybrid environment. There is almost no information currently available to support leaders during this time, but drawing on the Visible Learning® and other well-known instructional research, we can learn basic principles to help students, staff, and families succeed in any learning environment.
Learning Intentions
- I am learning about my role as a leader while leading from a distance.
Success Criteria
- I can analyze and maintain a climate of learning and membership.
- I can lead the learning of others.
- I can analyze instruction and provide GREAT feedback
- I can explain my mindframes and where I want to grow.
Expert Leader Virtual Experience with Dr. Doug Fisher: Leading the Rebound
Date: Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Time: 9:00am – 1:00pm EST
Location: ZOOM link will be provided to registered participants
*A copy of the ebook will be provided unless you opt to purchase physical copy on your own*
Let’s make the “next normal” a “better normal”
If there ever was a time for our heroic school leadership to persevere, it’s now. Because now, well over one year since the pandemic stretched the resilience and reserves of our school systems, it’s time to “rebound.” It’s time to leverage this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reboot teaching and learning as we know it so that we magnify the effective practices from the past while leveraging the so many recent lessons learned.
This is where Doug Fisher, Nancy Frey, Dominique Smith, and John Hattie, coauthors of The Distance Learning Playbook series, are ideally equipped to serve as your collaborators.
Inside Leading the Rebound: 20+ Must-Dos to Restart Teaching and Learning you’ll find immediate actions, mindsets, and approaches to take if we’re to reimagine and improve our schools and school systems.
What’s more Leading the Rebound is backed up with all kinds of resources–including VISIBLE LEARNING® research, sample planning tools, and other essential tips and strategies–to provide you with a start-to-finish roadmap for navigating this absolutely critical next leg in our journey toward a “better normal.”
A Game Plan for the Revised CCRPI (VIRTUAL SESSION)
Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM- 12:00 PM
Session Overview:
This session will cover the following:
- Understanding CCRPI Implications going into the Legislative Session
- Dealing with Changes to the CCRPI and Accountability
- Avoiding or Escaping the “lists”
- Understanding the 2023-24 CCRPI Components and Indicators
- Using Data Tools to Prevent Surprises
- Identifying “Low Hanging Fruit”
- Leveraging the Leadership Team to Monitor Performance
- Incorporating the Right Data into your School Improvement Plan
Tool Box Session Cost:
$100 (Partner rate)
$120 (Non-partner rate)
A Game Plan for the Revised CCRPI
Wednesday, November 29 or Thursday, November 30, 2023
9:00am – 2:30pm
Loudermilk Conference Center
40 Courtland Street
Atlanta, GA 30303
Session Overview:
This session will cover the following:
- Understanding CCRPI Implications going into the Legislative Session
- Dealing with Changes to the CCRPI and Accountability
- Avoiding or Escaping the “lists”
- Understanding the 2023-24 CCRPI Components and Indicators
- Using Data Tools to Prevent Surprises
- Identifying “Low Hanging Fruit”
- Leveraging the Leadership Team to Monitor Performance
- Incorporating the Right Data into your School Improvement Plan
Tool Box Session Cost:
Early Bird Rate
$180 (partner rate)/ $200 (non-partner rate)
Regular Rate
$200 (partner rate)/ $220 (non-partner rate)
Leadership Lessons with Principal Tanya Allen
2023 Joe Richardson Award Winner
Thursday, November 1, 2023
9:00am – 3:00pm
Bibb County School District
Burdell-Hunt Magnet School
972 Fort Hill Street
Macon, GA 31211
Making 2023 CCRPI Calculations from GMAS Results (IN-PERSON)
Date: Thursday, March 23, 2023
Time: 9AM – 2PM
Loudermilk Conference Center
40 Courtland St NE
Atlanta, GA 30303
Session Overview:
This session will have some hands-on activities as participants use test data to calculate performance for CCRPI components and indicators.
- The components and indicators of the CCRPI will be explained in detail in this session.
- Participants will be shown how to use their Milestones data to project some parts of their next CCRPI score.
- An emphasis will be placed on identifying “low hanging fruit” to make the largest gains possible.
- The CSI, Promise, and TSI Accountability Lists, as well as entrance and exit requirements, will be explained in detail.
- Participants will be shown how to build key CCRPI metrics into their improvement plans.
- Participants will be provided a PowerPoint presentation and additional files that can be used to review the training in later collaborative sessions.
Special Note: Participants should bring fully charged laptop computers.
Tool Box Session Cost:
$180 (partner rate)
$200 (non-partner rate)
Making 2023 CCRPI Calculations from GMAS Results (VIRTUAL)
Date: March 01, 2023
Time: 9AM – 11:15 AM
Session Overview:
This session will have some hands-on activities as participants use test data to calculate performance for CCRPI components and indicators.
- The components and indicators of the CCRPI will be explained in detail in this session.
- Participants will be shown how to use their Milestones data to project some parts of their next CCRPI score.
- An emphasis will be placed on identifying “low hanging fruit” to make the largest gains possible.
- The CSI, Promise, and TSI Accountability Lists, as well as entrance and exit requirements, will be explained in detail.
- Participants will be shown how to build key CCRPI metrics into their improvement plans.
- Participants will be provided a PowerPoint presentation and additional files that can be used to review the training in later collaborative sessions.
Tool Box Session Cost:
$80 (Partner Rate)
$100 (Non-Partner Rate)
Leadership Lessons with Principal Stephanie Brown Bryant
2022 Joe Richardson Award Winner
Date: Thursday, November 10, 2022
Time: 8:30 AM- 2:45PM
Indian Creek Elementary School
724 N Indian Creek Dr.
Clarkston, GA 30021
Tool Box Session Cost:
$180 (partner rate)
$200 (non-partner rate)
A Game Plan for CCRPI Success: A Tool Box Session for Elementary & Middle School Leaders
Date: October 25 or October 26, 2022
Time: 9AM – 2PM
Loudermilk Conference Center
40 Courtland St NE
Atlanta, GA 30303
Session Overview:
This session will have some hands-on activities as participants use test data to calculate performance for CCRPI components and indicators.
- The components and indicators of the CCRPI will be explained in detail in this session.
- Participants will be shown how to use their Milestones data to project some parts of their next CCRPI score.
- An emphasis will be placed on identifying “low hanging fruit” to make the largest gains possible.
- The CSI, Promise, and TSI Accountability Lists, as well as entrance and exit requirements, will be explained in detail.
- Participants will be shown how to build key CCRPI metrics into their improvement plans.
- Participants will be provided a PowerPoint presentation and additional files that can be used to review the training in later collaborative sessions.
Special Note: Participants should bring fully charged laptop computers.
Tool Box Session Cost:
$180 (partner rate)
$200 (non-partner rate)
A Game Plan for CCRPI Success: A Tool Box Session for High School Leaders
Date: October 27, 2022
Time: 9AM – 2PM
Loudermilk Conference Center
40 Courtland St NE
Atlanta, GA 30303
Session Overview:
This session will have some hands-on activities as participants use test data to calculate performance for CCRPI components and indicators.
- The components and indicators of the CCRPI will be explained in detail in this session.
- Participants will be shown how to use their Milestones data to project some parts of their next CCRPI score.
- An emphasis will be placed on identifying “low hanging fruit” to make the largest gains possible.
- The CSI, Promise, and TSI Accountability Lists, as well as entrance and exit requirements, will be explained in detail.
- Participants will be shown how to build key CCRPI metrics into their improvement plans.
- Participants will be provided a PowerPoint presentation and additional files that can be used to review the training in later collaborative sessions.
Special Note: Participants should bring fully charged laptop computers.
Tool Box Session Cost:
$180 (partner rate)
$200 (non-partner rate)
Designing a Game Plan for the CCRPI
Middle School Principals
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
9am – 1pm via ZOOM
High School Principals
Thursday, February 24, 2022
9am – 1pm via ZOOM
Elementary School Principals
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
9am – 1pm via ZOOM
High School Principals
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
9am – 1pm via ZOOM
Banneker High School’s Transformation: A Case Study for Equity and Access
October 17, 2019
Presenter: Dr. Duke Bradley III
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Location: Banneker High School
6015 Feldwood Road
College Park, GA 30349
Maximizing Your 2019 CCRPI Results
November 6, 2019
Presenter: Bobby Smith
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Location: Loudermilk Conference Center
40 Courtland St NE
Atlanta, GA 30303
Session Overview: Using 2019 CCRPI Data to Improve Student and Staff Performance. Participants will:
- Discover the “low hanging fruit” that will lead to quick wins and more points in 2020.
- Learn how to lead their staff to drill into the gold mine of data within the CCRPI.
- Use tools to identify areas of underperformance and areas to celebrate.
- Learn monitoring techniques for the key CCRPI metrics to prevent surprises at the end of the year.
Participants should bring fully-charged notebook computers so they can access their data. Participants will find it helpful to bring printouts of their complete 2019 CCRPI report. (Two or three participants from one school can share a computer.)
*Second Date Added*
Maximizing Your 2019 CCRPI Results
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Presenter: Bobby Smith
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Location: Loudermilk Conference Center
40 Courtland St NE
Atlanta, GA 30303
Session Overview: Using 2019 CCRPI Data to Improve Student and Staff Performance. Participants will:
- Discover the “low hanging fruit” that will lead to quick wins and more points in 2020.
- Learn how to lead their staff to drill into the gold mine of data within the CCRPI.
- Use tools to identify areas of underperformance and areas to celebrate.
- Learn monitoring techniques for the key CCRPI metrics to prevent surprises at the end of the year.
Participants should bring fully-charged notebook computers so they can access their data. Participants will find it helpful to bring printouts of their complete 2019 CCRPI report. (Two or three participants from one school can share a computer.)
Leading With Diversity in Mind
February 11, 2020
Time: 9:00 A.M. – 3:30 P.M.
Location: Georgia State University
College of Education and Human Development
30 Pryor ST SW
Atlanta, GA 30303
Room: The Forum- 1030 (10th Floor)
Robert Jackson, Author/ Becoming the Educator They Need: Solutions to Educating Black and Latino Males
Tommy T. Welch, Ph.D., Chief Equity Officer
Overview: Leading with Diversity in Mind is the way to ensure equity for all learners takes place. Want to discuss diversity as it applies to gender, socioeconomic status? Join us as we share how we moved from a deficit model to an empowerment model supporting learning experiences for all. This session will provide you with research, skills and strategies of how to lead and empower students to succeed in academics, arts and athletics. In this session we will share 6 Factors that affect young men of color and tools to create success. Educators will be challenged to self-evaluate their own Leading/teaching techniques including their thought process to assist in the success of all students. Participants will also leave with local school and district level examples of how to empower our diverse community of students to increase student learning and engagement.
Objectives: Participants will have the opportunity to learn how a vertical cluster alignment can lead to rigorous advanced career pathways, and an award winning robotics program and team. They will learn the transformational tools of a school that moved from a 1 star to a Student Council President School and how to design a positive student culture. A State Principal of Year will also share information about the structures and resources used to design structured PLCs focused on results and so much more.
Regular | Early Bird | |
Principals Center Partner | $180 | $160 |
For partners only, each fifth person is FREE (from the same school). | ||
Non-Partner | $200 | $180 |
* Partners may be individuals, schools, associations or collection of schools, or school systems. Contact the Center, your principal or your system’s professional development office to ascertain whether you are a partner or not. |
* The Tool Box Series registration fee includes continental breakfast and lunch per participant.
Register Online for the Tool Box Series
To become a partner of the Principals Center contact Dr. Dionne Cowan at 404-413-8257 or by e-mail at [email protected].
Collaborating with Atlanta Public Schools to prepare approximately 65 aspiring leaders to assume assistant principal and principal roles in the district. This customized program started during the 2017-2018 school year.
During the 2018-2019 school year, the Principals Center partnered with Fulton County Schools to develop a targeted group of 120 instructional coaches to increase their capacity to coach teachers, thereby increasing student achievement in Fulton County Schools.
Building the capacity of new principals (an average of 15 leaders) in Fulton County Schools in the first two years by providing a leadership coach for two years for each principal. This customized program started during the 2013-2014 school year.