Principals Center
The Principals Center at Georgia State was established in 1984 under the direction of Joseph Richardson.
The Principal Center movement began in the late 1970s with the opening of three centers.
By the mid-1980s, the movement included more than 100 centers across the U.S.
Principals centers were developed out of an evolving belief that principals should participate in planning their own professional development.
We provide school leaders with opportunities designed to give them the tools to create schools that work for all children.

Who We Are
Our Vision: Every school community served by leaders of learning
Our Mission: We provide practicing and aspiring school leaders with learning and networking opportunities designed to develop their capacity to create schools that work for all children.
The center’s activities are guided by the belief that all activities should be:
- Interactive
- Developed and led by practitioners
- Provide opportunities for school leaders to support each other

What We Offer
Our signature programs are designed to connect, nurture, develop and build the capacity of instructional leaders.
- Cohort Series: Beginning Principals Academy, Seminar for Assistant Principals, Instructional Coaches Collaborative, Aspiring Principals Institute, and Aspiring Leaders Institute for teacher leaders.
- Expert Leader Series: Visionary thinkers lead presentations, group discussions and seminars
- Tool Box Series: Professional development sessions led by local school or community experts

Who We Serve
Our partners are the center’s backbone and they offer insight into school leaders’ needs and concerns. Learn how to join and what it takes to be a partner with the Principals Center.
Partnership Categories:
- District
- School
- Individual
- Associate

We are excited to introduce Dr. Maisha Otway as our 2024 recipient of the Joe Richardson Award for Exemplary Leadership. Principal Otway is the proud leader of College Park Elementary School in Fulton County Schools.