Steps To Apply
Review the programs below to learn more about our undergraduate options and view application requirements.
Current Georgia State students in the college’s “exploratory majors” must complete an application for their major. Submit your application as you near completion of your Area A-F coursework. Once admitted to your major, you can enroll in junior and senior level classes.
Program Requirements
The College of Education & Human Development offers undergraduate programs that prepare students for careers in education, human development and health-related fields. Review the admissions requirements for each of our programs below to get started.
Students need to be enrolled at Georgia State University, first, before applying to programs at the College of Education & Human Development. If you are not a Georgia State student, learn more about how to apply.
College of Education & Human Development
The B.S.E. degree in birth through five prepares teachers and other early care and education professionals to work in varied settings with young children and their families from infancy through kindergarten age, including children who are typically developing and those with disabilities.
The program offers teacher certification and non-certification concentrations. Successful completion of the teacher certification concentration leads to a bachelor’s degree and recommendation for birth through kindergarten licensure. Candidates may be recommended for initial certification in birth through kindergarten and the endorsement in preschool special education (3-5). Students in the non-certification concentration are not eligible to be recommended for certification and receive the preschool special education endorsement.
Application Deadlines
- Fall: June 1
- Spring: Oct. 1
- Summer: April 1
Program Requirements (both concentrations – learn more about these areas in the catalog listing)
- Minimum 2.75 overall grade point average on all undergraduate coursework previously completed
- Successfully completed all Core IMPACTS and Field of Study courses
As part of the application process for the teacher certification concentration, you must also:
- Take the Georgia Educator Ethics Assessment (360)
- Purchase tort liability and upload proof of tort liability with your application
- Complete the online application
As part of the application process for the non-teacher certification concentration, you must also:
- Purchase tort liability and upload proof of tort liability with your application
- Complete the online application
Once you have all the above at hand, you can apply here.
For students who are interested in pursuing careers working with deaf/hard of hearing children or adults, the B.A. Deaf Studies degree will allow for a concentration in Deaf Education or Sign Language Interpreting. The courses within this program will provide students with a foundation in American Sign Language, Deaf Culture(s), and skills specific to teaching or interpreting for deaf individuals. Graduates will be prepared to work in a variety of settings that serve deaf children and/or adults. Graduates are provided coursework and practicum experiences resulting in knowledge of characteristics, curriculum, instructional strategies, and classroom management procedures.
The Deaf Education concentration does not lead to teacher certification. Those students who are interested in teacher certification must complete the B.A. Deaf Studies: Deaf Education concentration and the M.A.T. Special Education program.
Application Deadlines
- Fall: May 15
Program Requirements (view the catalog for more information about the areas)
- Completion of Core IMPACTS
- Completion of ENGL 1101 (or ENGL 1101H) and ENGL 1102 (or ENGL 1102H) with a grade of “C” or better
- Completion of ASL 1001 with a grade of “C” or better and ASL 1002, ASL 2001 and ASL 2002 with a grade of “B” or better
- Completion of program orientation
- Successful completion of entrance interview, where candidates will demonstrate at least intermediate conversational proficiency in American Sign Language
- Completion of major application
Once you have the above at hand, you can apply here.
Sign Language Interpreting is an interdisciplinary field that combines highly developed competency in American Sign Language and English with knowledge of linguistics, interpretation, translation and principles of professional practice.
The Sign Language Interpreting concentration prepares students with the theoretical and practical knowledge needed to enter the field of American Sign Language/English interpretation. Students develop confidence in their working languages, linguistic and cultural analysis proficiency, and the interpersonal skills needed to develop a relevant and sound professional practice.
For students who are interested in pursuing careers working with deaf/hard-of-hearing children or adults, the Deaf Studies, B.A. degree will allow for a concentration in Deaf Education or Sign Language Interpreting.
Application Deadlines
- Fall: May 15
Program Requirements (view the catalog for more information about the areas)
- Completion of Core IMPACTS
- Completion of ENGL 1101 (or ENGL 1101H) and ENGL 1102 (or ENGL 1102H) with a grade of “C” or better
- Completion of ASL 1001 with a grade of “C” or better and ASL 1002, ASL 2001 and ASL 2002 with a grade of “B” or better
- Completion of program orientation
- Successful completion of entrance interview, where candidates will demonstrate proficiency in sign recall and visual-motor integration and demonstrate at least intermediate conversational proficiency in American Sign Language
- Completion of major application
Once you have the above at hand, you can apply here.
The B.S.E. degree in elementary education prepares undergraduates to teach diverse learners in pre-kindergarten through fifth grade and special education. There are two program options: The initial certification in Pre-K-5th grades or the dual certification in early childhood and special education. Students have the option to add endorsements in ESOL and urban education.
Application Deadlines
- Fall: May 15
Program Requirements (view the catalog listing to see the areas)
- Minimum 2.75 overall grade point average on all undergraduate coursework previously completed
- Successfully completed Core IMPACTS and Field of Study courses
- Participate in an informational session
As part of the application process, you must also:
- Take the Georgia Educator Ethics Assessment (360)
- Purchase tort liability and upload proof of tort liability with your application.
- Complete the online application
Once you have all the above at hand you can apply here.
The B.S. degree in exercise science prepares students for careers in adult fitness and wellness, worksite health promotion/corporate fitness, personal training, clinical exercise physiology, cardiac rehabilitation and other related fields.
Application Deadlines
- Fall: Aug. 1
- Summer: May 1 *
- Spring: Nov. 1
*Students should apply for summer admission only if they are planning to take the required major courses.
Program Requirements (Fall 2019 catalog and after)
- Completion of Core IMPACTS
- A minimum of “C-” in no more than two attempts (WF counts as an attempt) in each of the following classes: KH 2220K & KH 2230K (or KH 2220, KH 2221, KH 2230, and KH 2231 for Perimeter College students). Competitive applicants will have a “B-” or better in each of these courses.
- Submission of the online major application.
- Students in catalogs prior to Fall 2019 should contact their academic advisor for program requirements.
Once you have your requirements at hand you can apply here.
The B.S.E. degree in health and physical education has two concentrations. The teacher certification concentration is designed to prepare students for a teaching career in K-12 schools and leads to initial teacher certification. The sport coaching, physical activity, heath and wellness concentration prepares graduates to work in community sport and movement settings and does not lead to initial teacher certification.
Application Deadlines
- Fall: March 1
Program Requirements (view the courses and areas in the catalog)
- Minimum 2.50 overall grade point average on all undergraduate coursework previously completed
- Successfully completed all Core IMPACTS and Field of Study courses
As part of the application process for the teacher certification concentration, you must also:
- Take the Georgia Educator Ethics Assessment (360)
- Purchase tort liability and upload proof of tort liability with your application. It is recommended that you obtain your tort liability from GAHPERD.
- Complete the online application
As part of the application process for the sport coaching, physical activity, health and wellness concentration concentration, you must also:
- Order and pass a background check. For more information on this process, view information in our Office of Field Placements and Certification.
- Purchase tort liability and upload proof of tort liability with your application. It is recommended that you obtain your tort liability from GAHPERD.
- Complete the online application
Once you have the above at hand you can apply here.
The B.I.S. degree with a concentration in human learning and development is an interdisciplinary program that provides you with an opportunity to acquire a career-oriented range of skills and knowledge. Please note that this degree program does not lead to initial teacher certification.
Students in this program do not need to apply for the major. However, you must select two of eight possible disciplines and enter those choices on the “Discipline Declaration” form at the link below. You may change your disciplines in consultation with your academic advisor, who will update your student record to reflect those changes.
The eight disciplines are:
- Behavior and learning disabilities
- Counseling
- Deaf studies
- Educational psychology
- Family and community advocacy
- Learning technology
- Research methods and problem solving
- Urban education
The B.S.E. degree in middle level education prepares graduates with a well-developed content knowledge in two fields (language arts, mathematics, science and/or social studies) with the option to pick up a third general curriculum concentration in special education.
Application Deadlines
- Fall: April 24
Program Requirements (view the catalog for information about the areas)
- Minimum 2.50 overall grade point average on all undergraduate coursework previously completed
- Successfully completed all Core IMPACTS and Field of Study courses
- Participate in an interview and/or submit a writing sample
As part of the application process, you must also:
- Take the Georgia Educator Ethics Assessment (360)
- Purchase tort liability and upload proof of tort liability with your application
- Complete the online application
Once you have the above at hand you can apply here.
The B.S.E. degree in special education prepares students to teach children and youth with mild to moderate behavior and learning disabilities (e.g., dyslexia and other specific learning disabilities, attention disorders, emotional behavior disorders); mild, moderate, severe, and profound intellectual disabilities; and autism spectrum disorders. Students choose a concentration in adapted curriculum (generally working with children who have an intellectual disability) or general curriculum (generally working with children who have a learning or behavioral disability) and learn to work with children and youth across the lifespan in a variety of settings.
Application Deadlines
- Fall: May 15
Program Requirements (view the catalog for information about the areas)
- Minimum 2.50 overall grade point average on all undergraduate coursework previously completed
- Successfully completed all Core IMPACTS and Field of Study courses
- Participate in an interview and/or submit a writing sample
As part of the application process, you must also:
- Take the Georgia Educator Ethics Assessment (360)
- Purchase tort liability and upload proof of tort liability with your application
- Complete the online application
Once you have the above at hand you can apply here.
The B.I.S. degree concentration in sport administration provides students with a broad-based knowledge of the business of sport in order to prepare them for managerial positions in the sport industry. Students have an opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills to apply to careers in the sport industry through selection of coursework in sport administration, hospitality administration, journalism and public relations, and e-sports/creative media.
Application Deadlines
- Fall: March 30
- Spring: Oct. 15
Program Requirements for students in Fall 2019 catalog and after (view the catalog for information about the areas):
- Completion of ENGL 1101, ENGL 1102, and MATH 1001 or higher for Core IMPACTS
- Completion of KH 2400 with a grade of “C-” or higher on the first attempt
- Completion of ACCT 2101 and ECON 2106 with a grade of “C-” or higher in no more than two attempts
- Submission of resume and 500-word essay containing a brief biographical sketch, career goals and statement outlining how the program will assist in reaching goals (essay format: 1″ margins, Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, name right-justified in header, title centered on first line, references in APA 6th edition format)
- Students in catalogs prior to Fall 2019 should consult their academic advisor for program admission requirements
Once you have the above at hand you can apply here.
The B.I.S. in World Languages Teacher Education prepares undergraduate students to teach French or Spanish to students in grades Kindergarten through 12 and leads to initial certification in the State of Georgia. It is best suited for heritage/native speakers or students who have significant experience with French or Spanish.
This program is for undergraduates seeking their first degree in world languages teacher education. Students who already have a bachelor’s degree in a world language should apply to the World Language Teacher Graduate Certificate Program.
Application Deadlines
- Fall: April 15
Program Requirements (view catalog for program requirements)
- Minimum 2.50 overall grade point average on all undergraduate coursework previously completed
- Successfully complete all Core IMPACTS and Field of Study courses
- Participate in an informational session
As part of the application process, you must also:
- Take the Georgia Educator Ethics Assessment (360)
- Purchase tort liability and upload proof of tort liability with your application.
- Complete the online application
Once you have all the above at hand you can apply here.
College of the Arts Students
The programs for teacher certification in art and music are housed in Georgia State’s College of the Arts. Learn more about teacher certification in those areas from the following faculty members. Feel free to email them with your questions:
College of the Arts
- Art education: Kevin Hsieh
- Music education: Patrick Freer
College of Arts and Sciences Students
The B.S. in Physics with the education concentration prepares students to teach Physics in grades 6-12 and leads to initial teacher certification. Students should contact Dr. Brian Thoms, Associate Chair and Undergraduate Director in Physics, and Dr. Patrick Enderle, Assistant Professor, Science Education, for more information.
Application Deadlines
- Summer: Contact program faculty
Program Requirements (view the catalog for information about the areas)
- Minimum 2.50 overall grade point average on all undergraduate coursework previously completed
- Successfully completed all Core IMPACTS and Field of Study courses
As part of the application process, you must also:
- Take the Georgia Educator Ethics Assessment (360)
- Purchase tort liability and upload proof of tort liability with your application
- Complete the online application
Once you have the above at hand you can apply here.
Undergraduate Certificates
The Audiology Assistant Certificate Program is designed for individuals to perform delegated tasks that are prescribed, directed, and supervised by a certified and/or licensed audiologist to expand the delivery of hearing healthcare services. The program offers coursework and supervised clinical experiences to prepare students for the ASHA certification exam and credentialing.
The Audiology Assistant Certificate Program is a 12-month certificate program designed for undergraduate students. The program will be delivered in a hybrid format and is comprised of 5 courses (four 3-credit hour courses; one 1-credit hour course) and serves as a pathway for students who are interested in pursuing and applying for a master’s degree in Speech-language pathology or clinical doctorate degree in Audiology.
Application Deadlines
- Fall: March 31
Note: This program only admits for the fall term. Certificate classes are only offered in fall and spring.
Program Requirements
- Admission to Georgia State University (as a degree-seeking undergraduate)
- Goals Statement: No more than two typed pages that summarize career goals related to communication sciences and disorders and working as an audiology assistant (upload with application)
- Resume (upload with application)
- Two Letters of Recommendation (identify recommenders on application, direct recommenders to upload letters online here)
The undergraduate post-baccalaureate certificate in sign language interpreting prepares students with the theoretical and practical knowledge needed to enter field of American Sign Language/English interpretation. Students develop confidence in American Sign Language and English, proficiency in linguistic and cultural analysis and the interpersonal skills needed to develop a relevant and sound professional practice. Interpreters work within a variety of venues and settings, including: kindergarten through grade 12 and post-secondary educational settings, video relay service, community events, medical and mental health settings and performance and theatrical interpreting. This program is for students who have previously earned a bachelor’s degree.
Application Deadlines
- Fall: May 15
Program Requirements (view the catalog for more information)
- Admission to Georgia State University
- Proof of a bachelor’s degree or higher
- Completion of an American Sign Language Interpreting Certificate Program Application
- Completion of program orientation
- Successful completion of entrance interview demonstrating at least intermediate conversational proficiency in American Sign Language and visual-motor fluency
Student Consumer Information
Federal regulations require Georgia State to disclose whether its licensure-related degree programs meet U.S. jurisdictions’ educational requirements for licensure. This applies to College of Education & Human Development (CEHD) teacher education programs. For more information visit the Professional Licensure page and scroll to the right to choose the College of Education & Human Development.
Our Programs
View details about our undergraduate programs and get admission requirements and deadline dates.
Request Information
If you have questions about one of our programs, email [email protected] for help and support.
Application Status
If you would like to check your status, email [email protected] or contact your academic advisor.
Our Programs
View details about our undergraduate programs and get admission requirements and deadline dates.
Request Information
If you have questions about one of our programs, email [email protected] for help and support.
Application Status
If you would like to check your status, email [email protected] or contact your academic advisor.